Environmental Rights are a Human Right to a Healthy Environment: A Brief Review

Environmental Rights are a Human Right to a Healthy Environment: A Brief Review


Environmental rights constitute a legal field dedicated to protecting and preserving the environment. This area of law governs the interactions between humans and nature through a comprehensive set of regulations. The paper delves into the intrinsic link between environmental protection and human rights, highlighting the evolution and significance of environmental rights within legal frameworks. It particularly focuses on developments in the Americas and explores how environmental rights have been increasingly integrated into broader human rights agendas.


The paper aims to explain the crucial role of environmental rights within the broader context of human rights, arguing that a healthy environment is foundational to the enjoyment of all human rights. It reviews the legislative and legal advancements in environmental rights, particularly focusing on the integration of these rights within international human rights law. The methods include a comprehensive analysis of international treaties, legal frameworks, and scholarly opinions that support the recognition of environmental rights as essential human rights.


The paper concludes that recognizing a healthy environment as a fundamental human right is essential for the full realization of all other human rights. It highlights the progressive integration of environmental rights into international human rights law, underscoring the necessity of global cooperation and legal frameworks to safeguard these rights effectively.


Russo RO. Environmental Rights are a Human Right to a Healthy Environment: A Brief Review. International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research. 2023;03(12). doi:10.55677/ijlsar10.55677/ijlsar/V02I12Y2023-01.