Forest Carbon Project in the Quirino Provience, Philippines

Forest Carbon Project in the Quirino Provience, Philippines


Over a 7 year span from 2003 to 2010, Conservation International Phillipines and ICRAF have conducted studies and developed initiatives to address carbon sequestration in the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor region, which is a 1.4 million hectare forested region that is critical for biodiversity, hydrology, and other ecosystem services.  

Goals & Approach

The project aims to provide sources of livelihoods, improve flora and fauna habitat, stablize ecology, and sequester carbon with the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor. The approach of the project included both establishing 155 hectares of forest plantations and develop 22 hectares of agroforestry. 

Reported Takeaways

Looking ahead, the major concerns for the project is expanding the project, issues with land tenure, environmental and socio-economic management, and continues access to resources and funding. 




  • ICRAF Philippines
  • Conservation International
  • Rainforest Alliance