Forest Landscape Restoration Opportunity Assessment for Rwanda
Rwanda is a densely populated, landlocked country that relies significantly on non-mechanized agriculture. In 2011, the country also committed to restore 2 million hectares of forest and agricultural land to the Bonn Challenge. The government has recognized the Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) approach as the ideal means to achieving this goal.
Goals & Approach
The objective of this report is to outline potential opportunties for projects that will support the Government of Rwanda's goal for 'border to border' frest and landscape restoration. These projects include activities such as increasing agricultural productivity, food security, resilience to climate change, and reduced vulnerability to landslides and other natural distasters. The report is informed by a geospatial, economic, carbon, institutional and financial assessments assessment of environmental challenges and priorities for the government of Rwanda.
Reported Takeaways
The report identifies 2.25 million hectares of land and fresh water resources that could benefit from forest landscape restoration. The report concludes outlining particiular policies, programs, and incentives that could target 1.5 million hectares for restoration in order to reach the Bonn Challenge goal.
Ministry of Natural Resources, Rwanda (2014). Forest Landscape Restoration Opportunity Assessment for Rwanda. MINIRENA (Rwanda), IUCN, WRI. viii + 51pp.
- Ministry of Natural Resources, Kigali, Rwanda
- International Union for Conservation of Nature