Intensive Silvopastoral Systems: Improving Sustainability and Efficiency in Cattle Ranching Landscapes
The article summarizes productivity benefits from implementation of intensive silvo-pastoral systems (ISPS) in Colombia, Mexico and Brazil, including benefits for the well-being of cattle, heightened biodiversity, and decreased area needed for production (allowing for greater quantities of forest area). The authors also summarize challenges inhibting greater adoption of intensive silvo-pastoral systems, and potential policy solutions for overcoming these challenges.
Conclusions & Takeaways
ISPS organizations and networks in Colombia, Mexico, and Brazil are described as are the stakeholders in these groups. The report highlights the need for effective implementation based on using multiple policies that work together to enhance the success of ISPS implementation and on funding agents, such as the Project Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Sustainable Cattle Ranching in Colombia which offers a combination of technical assistance and payment for environmental services.
Murgueitio, E. Barahona, R., Martins, R. Xóchitl, M., Chará Flores, J., Solorio, F. J. 2014, “Intensive silvopastoral systems: Improving sustainability and efficiency in cattle ranching landscapes Colombia, Mexico and Brazil.” FAO Report.
- Centre for Research in Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems, CIPAV, Cali, Colombia
- Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín
- Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei, Brazil
- Fundación Produce Michoacán. Morelia, México
- Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, México