Agrosilvopastoral Systems: A Practical Approach Toward Sustainable AgricultureBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Los bosques tropicales estacionalmente secos: ¿una prueba ácida para la restauración?BackgroundEl artículo explora los desafíos y avances en la restauración de bosques tropicales estacionalmente secos (BTES), uno de los ecosistemas más amenazados y menos estudiados del mundo. Aunque ocupan un 40% de las zonas tropicales, los BTES enfrentan altas tasas de deforestación, presión humana y vulnerabilidad al cambio climático, lo que subraya la necesidad urgente de estrategias efectivas de restauración. Open access copy available |
Selecting tree species to restore forest under climate change conditions: Complementing species distribution models with field experimentationBackground:Available with subscription or purchase |
Integrating local knowledge into public policy instruments for enhancing restoration: A study case from western Mexican tropical dry forestBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Desempeño de tres especies arbóreas del bosque tropical caducifolio en un ensayo de restauración ecológicaBackground:Este estudio es relevante, porque prácticamente no se ha generado información relacionada con el establecimiento de Albizia occidentalis y Cedrela dugesii en escenarios de restauración ecológica y además, estas especies están registradas bajo algún estatus de protección. La primera se encuentra en la categoría (A) como amenazada y la última sujeta a protección especial (Pr), debido a la distribución geográfica restringida que presentan ambas especies y el alarmante grado de transformación del hábitat en el Bajío Mexicano. Open access copy available |
Soil Biological Activity, Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Modified Coffee Agroforestry Systems in MexicoBackgroundCoffee agroforestry systems bring a plethora of economic, social, and ecological benefits. Specifically, they aid soil biological activity. In Mexico, due to cost and production challenges, coffee is being replaced by avocado plantations. The impact of coffee agroforestry systems on specific soil biological characteristics and processes is not fully understood. Nor are the impacts of avocado plantations on soil biological activity. Open access copy available |
Divergent litterfall nutrient responses to rainfall seasonality revealed through long-term observations in a tropical dry forestBackgroundForest litterfall can provide important nutrients to the soil for ecosystem health such as Phosphorus and Nitrogen. In water limited ecosystems rainfall often controls forest nutrient cycling. It is not yet understood how nutrient uptake of these nutrients is influenced by seasonal rainfall and how these litter nutrient contents change from year to year. Open access copy available |
Lightly-harvested rustic cocoa is a valuable land cover for amphibian and reptile conservation in human-modified rainforest landscapesBackgroundTropical biodiversity is impacted by anthropogenic land covers such as agriculture. Land use has the ability to both negatively and positively impact tropical biodiversity. In the tropics, important crops are grown in tropical forested landscapes such as coffee and cocoa. These forest understories are also important habitats for highly sensitive and ecologically vulnerable amphibian species. Amphibians and reptiles are an understudied taxa in conservation ecology and targeted in this study. Open access copy available |
Selecting tree species to restore forest under climate change conditions: Complementing species distribution models with field experimentationBackgroundClimate-based species distribution models are used as a strategy to decide on optimal tree species for forest restoration projects. The criteria in these models is based on species performance in local climates. The limitation of species distribution models is that they do not include recruitment. Including the species successful reproduction, recruitment and growth at an early stage is vital for successful reforestation efforts. In addition, the models are not calibrated to take into account future climatic conditions, making it difficult to plan long-term restoration projects. Available with subscription or purchase |
Oil palm expansion without enclosure: smallholders and environmental narrativesBackgroundOil palm expansion has been shown to cause deforestation and reduce land and resource availability for communities located near plantations. It has also been shown to have mixed impacts on local livelihoods. Some studies point to socially different impacts, with small and marginal farmers less likely to benefit from oil palm expansion while others find significant increases in incomes. This paper seeks to understand the factors that make smallholder farmers participate in oil palm expansion, and outline the varied narratives that are used by the proponents of oil palm expansion. Available with subscription or purchase |