La gestion inclusive des forêts d’Afrique centrale: passer de la participation au partage des pouvoirs (Inclusive management of Central African forests: from participation to power sharing)
The authors identify several gaps observed in forest management in the field in Central Africa. They call for increased inclusion in management to meet the needs of local communities.
Buttoud, G. and Nguinguiri, J.C. (2016). L’avenir des modes de gestion inclusive des forêts d’Afrique centrale. In: G. Bouttoud and J.C. Nguinguiri, ed., La gestion inclusive des forêts d’Afrique centrale : passer de la participation au partage des pouvoirs, 1st ed. FAO-CIFOR : Libreville-Bogor, pp.225-235.
- Université de la Tuscia, Viterbo, Italie.
- FAO, Sub-regional office for Central Africa, Libreville, Gabon.