Lessons Learned and Good Practices in Natural Resource Management
The United Nations Environmental Programme and the Government of Sudan started the Adapt for Environment and Climate Resilience in Sudan project, otherwise known as ADAPT!, which seeks to engage a wide audience in order enhance environmental management, governance and climate resilience to help the people of Sudan cope with environmental stress and climate change.
Goals & Approach
The document from UNEP and UKAID seeks to outline the lesson learned from ADAPT!. The process began in 2017 with the collection of relevant documents from 16 partners throughout Sudan. The lesson learned were then divided into four categories and distributed to partners. The fourth step was to organize a workshop with practitioners whom these lessons directly affect. Finally, the comments from the workshop were incorporated into the final report.
Reported Takeaways
The report details important lessons learned in four distinct categories: supporting livestock corridor management,egistering and managing forests and rangelands, providing support to smallholder gum arabic farmers, and developing synergy between Integrated Water Resources Management and Natural Resource Management.
Talaat Dafalla Abdel Magid & Paul Kerkhof (2020). "Lessons Learned and Good Practices in Natural Resource Management" UN Environmental Programme & UKAID. Accessed: June 2020
- United Nations Environmental Programme
- UKAid