Mycorrhizal Interactions for Reforestation: Constraints to Dryland Agroforest in Brazil

Mycorrhizal Interactions for Reforestation: Constraints to Dryland Agroforest in Brazil


The authors conducted a review of literature on mycohorrizae in tropical dry forest systems. Their objective was to understand the role that reforestation and mycohorrizae play in providing ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and flood control.

Research Goals & Methods

Few studies describe the role of mycohorrizae in tropical dry forest; this study seeks to fill that gap.

Conclusions & Takeaways

Studies have found higher growth rates in trees inoculated with mycohorrizae. While these results likely mean higher carbon sequestration, there has been little research on belowground carbon to provide direct evidence.



Pagano MC, Cabello MN. Mycorrhizal Interactions for Reforestation: Constraints to Dryland Agroforest in Brazil. ISRN Ecology. 2011;2011:1–13. doi:10.5402/2011/890850.


  • Biology Department, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
  • Instituto Spegazzini, Facultad Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina