The Restoration Diagnostic: A Method for Developing Forest Landscape Restoration Strategies by Rapidly Assessing the Status of Key Success Factors

The Restoration Diagnostic: A Method for Developing Forest Landscape Restoration Strategies by Rapidly Assessing the Status of Key Success Factors


This report outlines the social, economic, and environmental benefits that forest restoration landscape restoration can have in countries with degraded or deforested landscapes.

Conclusions & Takeaways

The authors provide tools for diagnosing degraded landscapes and practical guidance for project implementation. They identify three themes of succesful restoration processes, including a clear motivation, enabling conditions in place, and capacity and resources for sustained implementation. The paper expands on these themes using cas studies from around the world.



Hanson, C., Buckingham, K., Dewitt, S., Lastadius, L. 2015. The Restoration Diagnostic: A Method for Developing Forest Landscape Restoration Strategies by Rapidly Assessing the Status of Key Success Factors. World Resources Institute.


  • World Resources Institute
  • IUCN - The Conservation Union