Strategies for Landscape-Scale Restoration in the Tropics
This publication summarizes the proceedings from the 2012 Conference of the International Society of Tropical Foresters, Yale Student Chapter, which took place on January 26-28,2012 at Yale University in New Haven, CT.
The publication begins with an introduction on the large-scale tropical forest restoration, with a focus on policies and research. It then goes on to summarize two keynotes and four panels, ranging from social and economic aspects of restoration, case studies, and private sector engagement.
Bloomfield, G.S., Calle, A., Sarsfield, R.P., and S.A. Wyatt, eds. 2012. Strategies for Landscape-Scale Restoration in the Tropics Yale ISTF Conference Proceedings. Environmental Leadership and Training Initiative. New Haven, CT: Yale University; Panama City: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
- Environmental Leadership and Training Initiative (ELTI)
- Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES) Student Affairs Committee
- Cullman Fund for the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) and Yale F&ES
- Tropical Resources Institute at Yale
- Yale Council on South East Asia Studies
- Yale Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies
- Yale Council on African Studies
- Yale Graduate and Professional Student Senate