Spondias mombin
Responses of Transplanted Native Tree Species to Invasive Alien Grass Removals in an Abandoned Cattle Pasture in the Lacandon Region, MexicobackgroundThis study measures the response of 16 native tree species to manual invasive grass removal treatments, for cost-effective regeneration of tropical forest on abandoned cattle pasture in the Lacandon region of Chiapas, southeast Mexico. Open access copy available |
Evaluación técnica y financiera de la silvicultura desarrollada en un bosque natural de la Guayana venezolana (Technical and financial evaluation of silvicultural management in the Venezuelan Guayana)Los autores analizan el funcionamiento de una empresa forestal que ejecuta, desde 1996, un plan de ordenación y manejo forestal en un bosque seco tropical, El Dorado- Tumeremo, con una superficie productiva 66 000 ha (Estado Bolívar, Venezuela). Se aprovechan unas 30 especies según diámetros mínimos de corta, clasificadas según su potencial comercial: las comerciales (Hymenaea courbaril, Pouteria caimito, Spondias mombin, Cordia alliodora, Andira sp., Manilkara bidentata y Peltogyne pubescens), las potencialmente comerciales (Cordia bicolor, Fagara martinicense, Tetragastris panamensis, Ceiba pentandra, Brosi- mun alicastrum, Aspidosperma megalocarpum, Astronium lecontei) y las que no tienen valor com Open access copy available |
Hacia una silvicultura sostenible en el trópico seco: el caso de la Finca Piedra Rala, Nicaragua (Towards sustainable silviculture in dry tropical forests: the case of Finca Piedra Rala, Nicaragua)El autor explica la experiencia de los productores en el manejo racional de pequeñas áreas de bosque tropical seco y analiza como la silvicultura racional tiene una capacidad de regeneración de los bosques naturales poco productivos en la zona del Pacífico de Nicaragua. En la finca estudiada, el bosque es sometido a un sistema de aprovechamiento tradicional, desarrollado como una iniciativa del propietario. Open access copy available |
Tree biodiversity in farmer cooperatives of a shade coffee landscape in western El SalvadorbackgroundConservation of tropical biodiversity in agricultural landscapes has become more important as the area covered by natural ecosystems decreases. Understanding the types of biodiversity common in agriculturally managed lands, and involving farmers in conservation planning, is important for regional conservation goals. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Structure and Composition of a Tropical Dry Forest Landscape After Land Clearance; Azuero Peninsula, PanamabackgroundThis article describes natural regeneration that has occured in five different habitat types in the Azuero Peninsula of Panama. These habitat types include active pasture, 2-yr abandoned pasture, 5-yr abandoned pasture, forest riparian zones, and a secondary forest fragment. This region is characterized by agricultural and cattle ranching landcapes in areas that previously were tropical dry forest (1700 mm rainfall per year) until the mid-20th century and have recently been undergoing rapid turnover in land ownership. Available with subscription or purchase |
Establishment and Growth of Living Fence Species: An Overlooked Tool for the Restoration of Degraded Areas in the TropicsbackgroundThis article describes three studies conducted in Honduras which examined the potential of using living fence species in restoration. Available with subscription or purchase |
Local and Regional Environmental Variation Influences the Growth of Tropical Trees in Selection Trials in the Republic of PanamabackgroundThis study evaluates the effect of varying site conditions on the basal area of 21 neotropical and 2 exotic tree species at three different sites in Panama. Research Goals & MethodsSeedlings were planted in 2003 in randomized blocks and measured for basal diameter, height, live crown length, and crown diameter each year from 2004 to 2006. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoration of dry tropical forests in Central America: A review of pattern and processBackgroundMuch information on restoration and management exists for wet tropical forests of Central America but comparatively little work has been done in the dry forests of this region. Such information is critical for reforestation efforts that are now occurring throughout Central America. This paper describes processes of degradation due to land use and provides a conceptual framework for the restoration of dry tropical forest, of which less than 2% remains intact. Open access copy available |
Factors Affecting Community Composition of Forest Regeneration in Deforested, Abandoned Land in PanamabackgroundThis study tests how Saccharum spontaneum, an invasive grass, affects early forest succession and community composition in an area of previously abandoned pasture. Open access copy available |
Initial Performance and Reforestation Potential of 24 Tropical Tree Species Planted Across a Precipitation Gradient in the Republic of PanamabackgroundThe authors of this study planted trees from 22 native species and two exotic species to use in selection trials testing the growth and survivability of trees in plantations in three different sites. Research Goals & MethodsThe sites were chosen for their precipitation gradient from Soberania National Park (2226mm mean annual rainfall), Los Santos (1946mm rainfall), and Rio Hato (1107mm rainfall). Survival, basal diameter, height, crown diameter and wood volume index (VI) were calculated after two years of growth. Available with subscription or purchase |