Sub-Saharan Africa
The ecology and management of the Miombo woodlands for sustainable livelihoods in southern Africa: the case for non-timber forest productsBACKGROUNDOpen access copy available |
Structural diversity and regeneration of the endangered Prunus africana (Rosaceae) in ZimbabweBACKGROUNDPrunus Africana is widely recognized for its medicinal purposes resulting in high unsustainable use and selling in the international market. Its bark contains many healing properties. Overexploitation has led to its listing in CITES list of endangered species. A remnant population is still available at the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe however, the area is prone to land use changes. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest LandscapesBACKGROUNDForest loss and degradation negatively affect rural communities whose livelihoods are dependent on forests for ecological goods and services. To address the challenge, three solutions have been proposed, expanding networks of protected areas, improving agricultural productivity on abandoned lands and reforestation. Of the three, new approaches to restoration have shown to have the potential to address forest degradation and rural poverty. Available with subscription or purchase |
Improving land and water managementBACKGROUNDThis working paper from World Resources Institute (WRI) gives a glimpse of the challenges experienced by smallholder farmers across developing countries. Issues on land – from insecure tenure to degradation, exacerbated by pressures from climate change, has resulted into a significant drop in crop yield. This led to more poverty and food insecurity. However, linkages between scientists and farmers provide some hope in terms of possible solutions to increase agricultural production. Improved land and water management is at the center of all this. Open access copy available |
INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS AND THE CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES IN THE SHANGWE COMMUNITY IN GOKWE DISTRICT, ZIMBABWEBACKGROUNDThe rapid decline in global biodiversity is being attributed to the erosion of traditional beliefs globally. In the Gokwe area of Zimbabwe, the Shangwe people are known for their wise use of IKS in the preservation of their environment. They are also known for their cultural beliefs and taboos which can be recognized in songs and dance as they give veneration to their Nevana rain spirit. Open access copy available |
Forest and wildlife resource-conservation efforts based on indigenous knowledge: The case of Nharira community in Chikomba district, ZimbabweBACKGROUNDIndigenous Knowledge (IK) plays a significant role in the sustainable management of forest and wildlife resources. In Zimbabwe, most forests and woodlands within communal areas are being successfully managed under the authorities of traditional leaders who base their conservation strategies on their local knowledge as compared with conventional methods such as fencing which bring conflict with the local people. Open access copy available |
Who determines biodiversity? An analysis of actors' power and interests in community forestry in NamibiaBACKGROUNDCommunity Forestry programs have been introduced in many parts of the world since the 1970's. These, aim to improve livelihoods and natural resources management in those regions. However, implementation of these programs has faced power devolution challenges due to the presence of powerful actors. This questions if the projects deliver what they promise. Available with subscription or purchase |
Prioritizing Climate Change Adaptation Needs for Food Security in 2030BACKGROUNDAdaptation has shown to be one of the solutions to coping with the severe effects of climate change. Investments are being made to improve agricultural production in food insecure regions, in the face of climate change. Adaptation mechanisms to be used include the use of more costly measures and identifying climate risk hotspots. Available with subscription or purchase |
Site Relationships for Some Wood Properties of Pine Species in Plantation Forests of Southern AfricaBACKGROUNDThere are three main pine species that are planted in Southern African plantations. Genetic variation and its relationship with wood properties of pine wood has been extensively studied, however little is known about the influence of site on wood properties. Available with subscription or purchase |
A Guide to Selecting Ecosystem Service Models for Decision-Making: Lessons from Sub-Saharan AfricaBackgroundEcosystem services provide critical resources that support human well-being; therefore, managing for them is vital. This report suggests that modeling may be an effective means of informing management when data is lacking, a problem that many developing countries experience. Open access copy available |