Sub-Saharan Africa
The Communal Management of Forests in the Semi‐arid and Sub‐humid Regions of Africa: Past Practice and Prospects for the FutureBackgroundThis article is based on an extensive literature search to analyze indigenous forestry practices in the dryland regions of anglophone and francophone regions of Africa. The authors drew on biology, forestry, and ethnographic material and was written with the aim of encouraging practitioners to involve peoples living near forests into the land management strategies. Available with subscription or purchase |
Strategies for empowering the local people to participate in forest restorationBackgroundThis study examined how local people’s involvement in determining and establishing appropriate reforestation techniques and practices can yield positive results. The study also examined the conditions for local people’s willingness to participate in implementing such techniques in their practices. The study was conducted in 10 villages surrounding Mabira Forest Reserve located in Central Uganda. Open access copy available |
A Multicountry Assessment of Tropical Resource Monitoring by Local CommunitiesBackgroundThe study compared data collected on status and trends collected independently by local community members and trained scientists for 63 taxa and five types of resource use in 34 tropical forest sites over 2.5 years so examine the assumption that local people are less objective than external scientists when monitoring natural resources. Open access copy available |
Goal programming: Application in the management of the miombo woodland in MozambiqueBackgroundThe paper aims to show the potential for applying goal programming mathematical modeling techniques as a tool to help determine an optimal strategy for combining multi-stakeholder activities in a multi-objective planning framework for the management of miombo woodlands. Available with subscription or purchase |
Forestry‐based carbon sequestration projects in Africa: Potential benefits and challengesBackgroundWhile there is growing international interest in developing payment schemes for environmental services, including forest-based carbon sequestration, concern has been expressed that these initiatives are unequally distributed around the globe with an emphasis on Asia or Latin America leaving out African countries where financial inflows could make an especially significant impact given many are among the poorest in the world. This paper seeks to fill a gap in the literature by synthesizing forest-based carbon sequestration projects in Africa while considering the potential to locate future projects there. Open access copy available |
Carbon sequestration and biodiversity of re-growing miombo woodlands in MozambiqueBackgroundThis study aims to determine how slash-and-burn agriculture impacts soil and vegetation carbon (C) stocks and biodiversity on an area of miombo woodland in Mozambique. The study hypothesized that C stocks in vegetation and soils of abandoned agricultural plots (machambas) would be lower than in woodland plots and that C stocks would accumulate more rapidly after abandonment in vegetation than in soils. Available with subscription or purchase |
A Comparison of Governance Challenges in Forest Restoration in Paraguay’s Privately-Owned Forests and Madagascar’s Co-managed State ForestsBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Farmers’ planting practices in Burkina FasoBackgroundImproved Seed Supply for Agroforestry in African Countries (ISSAAC) is a Danish funded project led by ICRAF, FLD, and national seed centers in Burkina Faso, Malawi, and Uganda. This paper focuses on the project in Burkina Faso, whose overall objective is to improve farmer access to agroforestry seed. Open access copy available |
National Potential and Priority Maps for Tree-Based Landscape Restoration in EthiopiabackgroundThis technical report was created by Ethiopia's Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MEFCC) and the World Resources Institute (WRI) as a first step in Ethiopia's large-scale forest restoration efforts aimed to improve livelihoods and address climate change. Open access copy available |
Les initiatives de restauration des paysages forestiers du WWF (WWF's Forest Landscape Restoration Initiatives)The pamphlet provides an overview of WWF's forest landscape restoration (FLR) projects worldwide.
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