Books or Book Chapters
Participatory research for restoration and agro-ecological productionBackgroundThis chapter describes the process and outcomes of a 25-year participatory research project that was carried out in partnership between CIPAV and farmers of a local community in El Dovio, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. The project was guided by integrated land management and the need to combine biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration, and sustainable use of natural resources. Open access copy available |
Getting the Right End of the Stick: Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation in an Organizational ContextBackgroundThis chapter documents the process by which CARE Zambia institutionalized a learning approach to their internal management and a participatory model of monitoring and evaluation as well as the results of this transition, using a food security project as a case study. CARE Zambia used seven principles to turn themselves into a 'learning organization': 1) thrive on change, 2) facilitate learning from the surrounding environment, 3) facilitate learning from staff, 4) encourage experimentation, 5) communicate sucesses and failures, 6) reward learning, and 7) promote a sense of caring. Open access copy available |
Financial Analysis of Agroforestry PracticesBackgroundThe analysis of economic of agroforestry is more complicated than annual crops because it involves trees and crops and because there is usually a period between establishment and when impact can be measured. This chapter analyses the financial returns of farmers in three practices: fodder shrubs (Calliandra calothyrsus) in Kenya were established to increase mil production; rotational woodlots in Tanzania were implemented to provide firewood (Acacia crassicarpa) and improved fallows (Sesbania sesban) were established in Zambia to increase fertility. Open access copy available |
The Contribution of Traditional Agroforestry to Climate Change Adaptation in the Ecuadorian Amazon: The Chakra SystemBackgroundThis article explores the amazonian-indigenous "chakra" agroforestry system, and its utility as a forest management practice that sequesters carbon, increases food security, grows valuable timber, and acts as a habitat connectivity. The size of these cultivated areas range from 0.4 - 4ha, and include species such as anioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz), banana (Musa paradisiaca L.), peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth), fine-flavored cacao (Theobroma cacaoL.) and robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner), and a variety of medicinals. Open access copy available |
Imitating Natural Ecosystems through Successional Agroforestry for the Regeneration of Degraded Lands - A Case Study of Smallholder Agriculture in Northeastern BrazilBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Monitoring and Evaluating Forest Restoration SuccessBackgroundThis chapter reviews the importance of monitoring and evaluation for restoration projects, in order to confirm the hypotheses that shape such projects, to fine-tune management actions, adapt restoration approach on a long-scale trajectory, and to prove results to stakeholders. The chapter presents three case studies of ecological restoration and monitoring throughout the world, including the Southwestern Alps, Vietnam, and the Mediterranean region, as three examples where monitoring and evaluation practices have been in place and are evolving over time. Open access copy available |
Linking forest conservation and food security through agroecologyBackgroundThis chapter, found in Forest Landscape Restoration: Integrated Approaches to Support Effective Implementation, focuses on Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in the tropics. Specifically, the authors examine agroecology as an integrated approach for both gaining food security and restoring agro-forest landscapes in post-conflict Colombia. Available with subscription or purchase |
Conserving Biodiversity in a Complex Biological and Social Setting: The Case of ColombiaBackgroundColombia is known for its immense biological diversity and complexity. This article examines three of the primary causes of these characteristics, including history, geogrpahy, and evolution along with the context of the country's conservation efforts. The auhors then identified threats based on trends that emerged from these themes. Available with subscription or purchase |
Árboles Nativos y Ciudad: Aportes a la Silvicultura urbana de Medellín (Native Trees and the City: Lessons from urban silviculture in Medellin)EspañolantecedentesA pesar de la atención que la silvicultura urbana ha recibido a nivel conceptual en la ciudad de Medellín, se presentan vacíos en la ejecució de acciones concretas a nivel Municipal. La implementación del Programa de Silvicultura Urbana en la ciudad de Medellín logra resultados hacia la mejora del paisaje urbano a cuatro años de haberse iniciado. objetivos y metodologíaEsta publicación presenta las acciones de planificación, investigación y aplicación de estrategias de propagación y manejo de especies en el contexto urbano de la ciudad de Medellín. Open access copy available |
Bosques de los Andes orientales de Bolivia y sus especies útiles (Forests of the western Andes of Bolivia and its useful species)EspañolantecedentesLos bosques montanos sostienen no solo un gran biodiversidad, sino además los medios de vida de poblaciones indígenas y mestizas. Es necesario conocer las especies de potencial económico que presentan los bosques montanos a fin de asegurar su conservación y manejo a largo plazo. Open access copy available |