Books or Book Chapters

How to Improve Adoption of Agroforestry Systems Among Small Farmers in Peruvian Amazon


This article surveys factors affecting the acceptibility rate of a multistrata agroforestry system.

Research Goals & Methods

Small farmers from three communities in central Peru were surveyed and data was collected on farm and houshold characteristics, cultivated crops and tree species, and agroforestry practices.

Open access copy available

Assisted Natural Regeneration: Methods, Results and Issues Relevant to Sustained Participation by Communities


This article describes forest restoration in Kandis village on Palawan Island, Philippines, an  assisted natural regeneration (ANR) project, and focuses on the social issues that affect success of ANR projects.

research goals & methods

The ANR approached used includes fire prevention, ring-weeding, and flattening of grasses.

Open access copy available

Helping Forests to Help Themselves—Accelerating Natural Regeneration


This chapter walks through the basic techniques of accelerated (or assisted) natural regeneration (ANR), describing when it is appropriate, when it should be combined with other techniques, how to increase the seed rain, and areas of needed research.

Open access copy available

Low technology tree propagation and the restoration of natural forest ecosystems


This chapter outlines the need for reforestation in Southeast Asia, with a focus on Thailand, and describes the nursery and propagation processes necessary for successful production of native species for reforestation. The paper focuses mainly on the Forest Restoration Research Unit (FORRU), which was established to address the need for information on native species for reforestation, especially information on seedlings and nursery practices. Most information on propagation available before the creation of FORRU referred to exotic species.

Open access copy available

Rehabilitation of Tropical Rainforests Based on Indigenous Species for Degraded Areas in Sarawak, Malaysia


This study describes the success of native species planted in areas of abandoned shifting cultivation in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Research Goals & Methods

Site contitions in which species were planted included:  open conditions, including severely eroded and compacted areas and man-made mounds, and shady conditions. Growth and survival was recorded for 60-72 months, depending on the site

Open access copy available

Tropical Tree Seed Manual


This manual provides information on seed biology, storage, germination and pathology of native trees in neotropics. The second part provides detailed factsheets for 167 tropical tree species.  It provides over 600 pages of species specific descriptions including scientific names, common names, occurrence and geographic range, growth habits, flowering and fruiting, collection of fruits/seeds, extraction and cleaning, storage, pre-germination treatments, germination tests, nursery practices, seedling care, any other information.

Open access copy available

Regreening the Bare Hills- Tropical Forest Restoration in the Asia-Pacific Region (Overview)


In this book, the author addresses various concepts and techniques for reforestation in the deforested areas of the Asia-Pacific Region.

Open access copy available

Especies para reforestación en Nicaragua (Species for Reforestation in Nicaragua)


This manual provides information about multipurpose trees in Nicaragua.

Available with subscription or purchase

Case investigation on the participation of women in reforestation in the Philippines


This study explores gender-based participation in small-scale reforestation projects in the Philippines. Seedlings of a native pine, Pinus kesiya, and exotic Eucalyptus were planted through small-scale projects led by groups called Peoples’ Organizations.

Full resource not available online

Plantas nativas para reforestación en el Ecuador (Native plants for reforestation in Ecuador)

Este trabajo ofrece información de más de 261 especies nativas a Ecuador para orientar en la selección de especies y el establecimiento de plantaciones forestales para reforestación. La descripción de las especies incluye información de la estructura de la planta, frutos, propagación, región/altitud donde se encuentran, suelos y otras características ambientales, usos comunes, dibujos morfológicos de la planta y otras observaciones.

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