Manuals and Guides

Programa de reforestación en areas marginales de la Sierra Ecuatoriana (CESA - Intercooperation Suiza) (Reforestation program in marginal areas of the Ecuadorian highlands)

Open access copy available

Conceitos e Definições Correlatos à Ciência e à Prática da Restauração Ecológica - Glossário e dicionário inglês-português

This resource provides a glossary and dictionary of concepts and vocabulary of reforestation and restoration, including extensive definitions of 170 terms in Portuguese, together with the closest equivalent term in English. It is a useful tool for comprehension of technical and ecological terms in Portuguese and English.

Open access copy available

Iniciativas de reforestación con especies forestales nativas de la Universidad EARTH (Reforestation efforts with native forest species)

Open access copy available

Restauración ecológica en una cuenca de la zona andina, un esfuerzo colectivo para el mantenimiento de los servicios ecosistémicos (Ecological restoration in a watershed of the Andes)

Full resource not available online

Guía para la producción de planta y plantación con especies nativas

Open access copy available

Especies forestales nativas con potencial para reforestación en la provincia de Oxapampa, Perú (Native forest species with reforestation value in Oxapampa, Peru)



La organización Pronaturaleza, con el apoyo de The Nature Conservancy (TNC), se encuentra formulando un proyecto de secuestro de carbono con la finalidad de ejecutar Programas de Reforestación y Conservación de Bosques en la zona de amortiguamiento de tres áreas Naturales protegidas en la provincia de Oxapampa, Perú.

Open access copy available

Pacto pela restauração da mata atlântica: referencial dos conceitos e ações de restauração florestal (Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest: Reference for Concepts and Action of Forest Restoration)

An overview of theory, rationale, and techniques for restoration and reforestation of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.

The chapters covered the following subjects: An explanation of the evolution of restoration techniques and methodologies as the practice of restoration has become more sophisticated; Environmental diagnostics of areas to be restored; Monitoring of areas as a tool to evaluate effectiveness of methodologies; Quantification and monitoring of biomass and carbon in planted areas; Restoration methods for economic benefits; and Description of operational actions for restoration.


Open access copy available

Principles and Practice of Forest Landscape Restoration: Case Studies from the Drylands of Latin America


Dryland forests cover nearly 30% of the surface of the earth and are of global importance for biodiversity and human livelihoods.Many dryland forest ecosystems have been destroyed or highly degraded due to unsustainable land-use practices, including livestock ranging, overharvesting, conversion to agriculture, and rapid urban growth. This document provides the results of a study evaluating the application of forest landscape restoration to dryland ecosystems in Latin America.

Open access copy available

Arboles de Centroamerica: un Manual para Extensionistas (Trees of Central America: a Manual for Extentionists)



Los agricultores de Centro América afrontan una compleja realidad que usualmente no es considerada en las iniciativas de manejo sostenible, lo que repercute en la falta de éxito de estas. En un esfuerzo por insertar las necesidades reales de los agricultores a estas actividades, este manual busca cubrir la brecha de información relacionada a especies arbóreas nativas de América Central.

Available with subscription or purchase

Agroforestry Training Program: Taking Action, Reaching Out


Open access copy available
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