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Los árboles en la ganadería del trópico seco (Trees in agroforestry systems in the tropical dry forest)

Los autores destacan la importancia de la vegetación arbórea nativa, tanto de especies leguminosas como no leguminosas, manejadas ya sea de forma empírica o siguiendo un método científico de algunos sistemas silvopastoriles presentes en el estado de Colima, México. Se enfatizan las características nutricionales tanto del follaje como de los frutos. Se describen algunos sistemas silvopastoriles, entre ellos: el manejo de cocotero en la región costera, los árboles en los potrero

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Germinación y supervivencia de seis especies nativas de un bosque tropical de Tabasco, México (Germination and survival of six species native to a tropical forest of Tabasco, Mexico)

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El manejo de la caoba en Quintana Roo, México. Legislación, responsabilidades y apoyo gubernamental (Mahogany management in Quintana Roo. Mexico)



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Manejo del fuego y restauración de bosques en la reserva de la biosfera sierra de Manantlán, México (Fire management and and forest restoration)

Los autores analizan la incidencia de incendios forestales y los efectos de los regímenes de fuego sobre los bosques de la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra de Manantlán en el occidente de México, y se presentan las líneas de acción estratégicas del Programa de Manejo del Fuego y Restauración de Bosques de esta área protegida.

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Ecología experimental y ecofisiología: bases para el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales de las zonas áridas neo-tropicales (Experimental ecology and ecophysiology in dry tropical forests)

El autor recoge los resultados más relevantes que han permitido la resolución de algunos problemas de producción vegetal, que pueden ser utilizados como herramientas fundamentales de planificación para la producción en las tierras secas en el noroeste Venezuela.

Las condiciones edáficas y climáticas que caracterizan las zonas áridas y semiáridas tropicales las colocan entre los ecosistemas más frágiles del mundo y más susceptibles a la desertificación.

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Mycorrhizal Interactions for Reforestation: Constraints to Dryland Agroforest in Brazil


The authors conducted a review of literature on mycohorrizae in tropical dry forest systems. Their objective was to understand the role that reforestation and mycohorrizae play in providing ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and flood control.

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The Role of Nurse Trees in Mitigating Fire Effects on Tropical Dry Forest Restoration: A Case Study


The authors of this study initially studied differential growth rates in a reforestation project of native tree species with nurse trees(Leucaena leucocephala) and without nurse trees when the area had two fire events. However, authors took advantage of the unplanned experiment to study the effects of fire in reforestation.

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Successional Change and Resilience of a Very Dry Tropical Deciduous Forest Following Shifting Agriculture


Given substaintial conversion of very dry tropical deciduous forests in Mexico to agricultural and other land uses, this study examines forest succession over time in such ecosystems. The study was conducted near Nizanda, Oaxaca, Mexico with 26°C average temperatures and 900 mm average rainfall.

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Ganadería Colombiana Sostenible (Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Sustainable Cattle Ranching)

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Evidence of Incipient Forest Transition in Southern Mexico


This study uses satelite images (Landsat) to analyze land cover change in southern Mexico from 1990 to 2006.

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Seed germination and seedling establishment of Neotropical dry forest species in response to temperature and light conditions


Site conditions in restoration projects vary widely, with proper conditions for germination not always available for a given species. This study examines the germination requirements of Cedrela odorata, Guaiacum sanctum and Calycophyllum candidissimum seeds under varying light conditions beneath the canopy of a dry forest in Nicaragua.

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Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae): ethnobotanical studies in Guatemala


This article reviews an ethnobotanical survey and a prelimary agronomic study in order to understand the popular uses and viability of Moringa oleifera, a widely-used and well-known plant in Guatemala. 

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Economic Botany of Spondias Purpurea


This article reviews the Neotropical fruit Spondias purpurea (Anacardiaceae) - "Ciruela" or "Ovo", describing the cultivation, yields, and economics of the fruit.

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Effects of forest clearing and succession on the carbon and nitrogen content of soils in Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands


Conversion of tropical forest lands to agriculture or pasture affects soil organic matter, moisture, and nutrients. This study examines the effects on soil carbon, nitrogen, and moisture at depths up to 100 cm of conversion from forest to agriculture and pasture.

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Cost-Effectiveness of Dryland Forest Restoration Evaluated by Spatial Analysis of Ecosystem Services


This study evaluates the cost-effectiveness of dryland forest restoration through a comparative analysis of four study areas in Latin America.

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Germinación de semillas de seis especies de Bursera del centro de México

Este artículo evaluó la influencia de la temperatura y el almacenamiento en la germinación de seis especies de Bursera nativas a México (B. bicolor, B. bipinnata, B. cipallifera, B. fagaroides, B. glabrifolia, B. grandifolia). Encontraron alta proporciones de semillas vanas en tres especies. Había un aumento en la germinación dentro de condiciones con una temperatura fluctuante (32-18 °C) en comparación con las semillas expuestos a una temperatura constante (25 °C).

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Towards recovery of native dry forest in the Colombian Andes: a plantation experiment for ecological restoration


Regeneration of native forest after disturbances, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, often progresses slowly or is arrested at a successional stage. This study evaluates the effectiveness of native tree plantings as a restoration strategy in a semi-arid Andean valley.

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Adaptabilidad y crecimiento de especies nativas en areas en recuperacion del noroeste de la provincia de Misiones (Adaptability and growth of native species in recovery areas in the northwest of the province of Misiones)


This study takes place in the Argentinean province of Misiones, where there was a high level of land degradation and strong need for reforestation to restore productivity to the landscape.

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Las selvas secas del Pacífico Mexicano en el contexto mundial (The dry forests of the Pacific coast of Mexico in a global context)

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Enriquecimiento de bosque nativo con ibira puita guazu - Peltophorum dubium SPRENG (Enrichment of native forests with Peltophorum dubium)

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