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Addressing Forest Degradation and Timber Deficits in Ghana


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Regeneration Response of Juniperus procera and Olea europera subsp cuspidata to Exclosure in a Dry Afromontane Forest in Northern Ethiopia


This study investigates the natural regeneration of Juniperus procera and Olea europeaea subsp. cuspidata after 3 years under protection from livestock, human interference, and under open management systems in a dry Afromontane forest in northern Ethiopia.

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And Yet It Moves: Success Stories and Drivers of CDM Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa (UNEP)


This report by the UNEP reviews CDM (Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol) projects in Africa. CDM projects allow polluting countries to offset their carbon emissions by financing clean development projects such as clean energy and efficiency, emissions capture, and reforestation in developing countries. This study examines CDM projects in Africa and includes a reforestation project in the DR Congo. 

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The Savanna Tree Acacia polyacantha Facilitates the Establishment of Riparian Forests in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania


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Restoration of Dry Afromontane forest using pioneer shrubs as nurse-plants for Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata


Shrubs are often considered competitive barriers for seedlings planted in reforestation programs, although they can facilitate tree recruitment, especially in ecosystems under high abiotic stress. An alternative reforestation technique using pioneer shrubs as nurse-plants for Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata was tested in exclosures in northern Ethiopia.

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The Socio-Economic Effects of Ghana's Government Afforestation Project on Beneficiary Farmers in the Dormaa District of the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana


Forests play a central role in Ghana's global economy and local livelihoods, yet degradation and overharvesting continue to be an issue. In response, the Ghana government implemented an afforstation program in 2001 to restock forests and help alleviate poverty. 

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Restoration and Rehabilitation of Degraded Ecosystems in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands. II. Case studies in Southern Tunisia, Central Chile and Northern Cameroon


This study compares non-human and human determinants of ecosystem degradation processes in three contrasted regions, as well as interventions tested in each. The three responses to ecosystem degradation under review are restoration, rehabilitation and reallocation as applied to ongoing projects in arid mediterranean region of southern Tunisia, the semi arid tropical savannas of northern Cameroon.

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Plan Vivo, Restoration of degraded ecosystems in the Sahel Burkina Faso


This project plans to restore and maintain the Sahelian woodland in northern Burkina Faso by working closely with communities of farmers whose livelihoods are dependent.

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Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration: The Niger Experience


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Reforesting the Sahel: Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration


This study describes the development of a simple income generating and self-promoting reforestation system called Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) developed in Maradi, Niger. FMNR is an agroforestry system based on the natural regeneration and management of tree systems from underground stumps.

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Effect of Exotic Tree Plantations and Site Management on Plant Diversity


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Natural Regeneration of Woody Stands in the Groundnut Basin Lands in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone (Region of Kaffrine, Senegal)


This study evaluates the regeneration capacity of woody tree species in lands of South-eastern Groundnut Basin in Senegal.

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Tanzania: Forest Restoration in the Shinyanga Region


In the Shinyanga Region of Tanzania, deforestation, bush clearing, and overgrazing have been persistent problems. The government of Tanzania recognized the traditional ngitili system of land management as a potential solution. 

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Lessons Learnt from WWF’s Worldwide Field Initiatives Aiming at Restoring Forest Landscapes


This document provides a series of case studies about forest landscape restoration projects from across the WWF network. The authors provide overall lessons as well as country-specific lessons. The authors summarize lessons learned across programs for the different stages of restoration programs.

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Regeneration of Five Combretaceae Species along a Latitudinal Gradient in Sahelo-Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso


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Dominant Species’ Resprout Biomass Dynamics After Cutting in the Sudanian Savanna-Woodlands of West Africa: Long Term Effects of Annual Early Fire and Grazing


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Kayonza Irrigation and Integrated Watershed Management Project - Phase I


In 2016, the Eastern Province of Rwanda was dramatically hit by a drought, which brough additional burdens to already existing systematic challenges that farmers in the region faced. More thatn 45,000 individuals became food insecure in the region, forcing the government to provide food and water. To mitigate future water-related calamities, the government proposes the Kayonza Irrigation and Integrated Watershed Management Project (KIIWMP). 

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Lessons Learned and Good Practices in Natural Resource Management


The United Nations Environmental Programme and the Government of Sudan started the Adapt for Environment and Climate Resilience in Sudan project, otherwise known as ADAPT!, which seeks to engage a wide audience in order enhance environmental management, governance and climate resilience to help the people of Sudan cope with environmental stress and climate change.

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Uganda Carbon Neutral Project 2017


Previous programs have demonstrated that carbon payment programs can greatly benefit local livelihoods while also promoting ecosystem services. Thus, the Embassy of Ireland in Kampala began a carbon neutral program with the Ndangara-Nyakiyanja Tutuguke Group in Rubirizi Distract, Uganda to pursue these outcomes 

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Carbon Neutral: Uchindile Mapanda, Tanzania


As part of BP's Target Neutral program, this project is addressing grasslands that have been classified as degraded by establishing commercial forests at Uchindile and Mapanda districts in the Tanzanian Southern Highlands.

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