Carbon Footprint: Great Rift Valley, Kenya
This project takes place in the Kikuyu Escarpment, Western Kenya. The Kikuyu escarpment forest has a high biodiversity and the services the ecosystem provides, particular water, is a key source for neighboring communities' livelihoods. Environmental degradation through charcoal burning, logging for timber and fuel wood, ring-debarking for medicinal trees and overgrazing are negatively affecting these services and depleting the area of important vegetation cover.
GOALS & Approach
Implemented by Carbon Footprint, the project engages in tree planting, soil and water conservation, biodiversity conservation, education and skills development. As of 2019, the project has planted over 180,000 trees in Kenya. The over 20 different species of native broad leaved trees include Olea africana, Cordia africana, Ehretia cymosa. In addition, it establishes nurseries in the community to provide seedlings as well as jobs for women groups and farmer field schools.
The project helps to reverse degradation trends and introduce alternative livelihood sources. In addition, the project assures additional benefits from carbon revenues, wildlife conservation and improved agrobiodiversity. while also promoting community's ownership of the forest in order to increase participation.
“Carbonfootprint.Com - Kenya Reforestation - Plant Trees to Offset Your Emission.” n.d. Accessed December 29, 2019.
- Carbon Footprint