
Reforesting Bare Hills in Vietnam: Social and Environmental Consequences of the 5 Million Hectare Reforestation Program


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Peasants, agroforesters, and anthropologists: A 20-year venture in income-generating trees and hedgerows in Haiti


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Rural Women, Poverty and Natural Resources: Sustenance, Sustainability and Struggle for Change


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Gender equality, food security and the sustainable development goals


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Beyond Tenure: Rights-based Approaches to Peoples and Forests


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Carbon sequestration in Africa: The land tenure problem


Research on afforestation and reforestation projects highlights how tropical forests can store carbon on a large scale. Africa offers vast areas of suitable land for carbon sequestration through these initiatives. However, the author argues that land tenure issues in Africa create an obstacle to achieving this potential.

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Committed to restoring tropical forests: an overview of Brazil's and Indonesia's restoration targets and policies


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Climate-Smart Conservation Agriculture, Farm Values and Tenure Security: Implications for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in the Congo Basin


The Congo Basin forest houses a high amount of biodiversity and is an important area to conserve in light of climate change. This region is also important for agriculture and local livelihoods, though current practices are degrading the forest. Certain policy issues surrounding land tenure and investments may be hindering climate smart agriculture.

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A cautionary note for forest landscape restoration in drylands: cattle production systems in northwest Madagascar’s dry forests


It is evident that land tenure security is crucial for successful restoration. Unfortunately, in Madagascar, dry forests are considered unoccupied and unowned even when communities have long-established claims under customary tenure systems. The authors stated that collective tenure recognition efforts were underway in Madagascar, but limited knowledge of agropastoralist cattle production strategies impeded the efforts to develop tenure reforms. The authors examined how cattle raisers in the Boney Region in northwest Madagascar organize pastoral spaces and cattle production strategies in the area’s dry forest.

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The political ecology playbook for ecosystem restoration: Principles for effective, equitable, and transformative landscapes


Globally, land degradation and forest loss continue despite an increasing number of projects working towards ecological restoration. The authors of this paper argue that one of the reasons that restoration projects have been unable to achieve their goals and ensure ecological resilience is that they ignore the underlying issues of political inequity and injustice that drive ecological degradation.

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