Seeds, Nurseries and Planting

Peasants, agroforesters, and anthropologists: A 20-year venture in income-generating trees and hedgerows in Haiti


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Opportunities for Integrating Social Science into Research on Dry Forest Restoration: A Mini-Review


Researchers have well-documented the threats to seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs), including anthropogenic fires, climate change, and soil degradation. The widespread conversion of SDTFs to other land uses creates substantial opportunities for large-scale restoration and reforestation. While most research focuses on abiotic, environmental, and biophysical factors influencing restoration and secondary succession, researchers have largely overlooked incorporating social sciences or human dimensions into the restoration process, leaving a significant gap in the field.

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Restoring Caribbean Dry Forests: Evaluation of Tree Propagation Techniques


Germination of seedlings, survival, and establishment are key components of forest restoration. Solar radiation and soil moisture regulate the seedling establishment in tropical dry forests. Unlike tropical wet forests, the role of light for seed germination in tropical dry forests is understudied. The study emphasizes the need for effective restoration strategies, particularly the propagation techniques for native tree species, as these forests serve critical ecological functions and house unique biodiversity.

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Propagación vegetativa de bambú nativo en la Amazonía Peruana

Los bambúes pertenecen a una de las 12 subfamilias de la familia Poaceae. En el Perú, tres especies, presentan potencial de uso: Guadua lynnclarkiae Londoño; Guadua weberbaueri Pilg; y Guadua superba Huber. Todas ellas encuentran su habitat en la zona andina y amazonica del Peru: entre los departamentos de San Martín, Amazonas, Cusco, Huánuco, Junín, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Pasco y Ucayali. No obstante, existen aun vacios de informacion acerca de sus formas de multiplicación,

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Parcelas permanentes para producción de semillas forestales nativas: experiencia en Molinopampa, Amazonas – Perú

El establecimiento de nuevas fuentes semilleras mediante plantación es parte invariable de un programa continuo de abastecimiento de semillas y mejoramiento forestal. En ese sentido, el rodal semillero, se define generalmente como un “rodal superior que es aclarado y mejorado a través de la remoción de árboles indeseables y que es manejada para una producción pronta y abundante de semillas”. El manual es una guía para la instalación de rodales semilleros para la producción de semillas en el mediano y largo plazo, de tal manera, contribuir al repoblamiento de escenarios degradados y deforestados de la región Amazonas.


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Producción de plantones forestales de especies nativas

La produccion de plantones forestales es parte escencial de la silvicultura. Esta actividad requiere conocimientos previos para simular las condiciones naturales en viveros y optimizar asi el proceso de crecimiento de la planta hasta que alcance el tamaño óptimo para su trasplante a campo. El manual "Producción de plantones forestales de especies nativas" describe el proceso para producir plantones forestales nativos con fines de reforestación, destacando su importancia para obtener árboles de gran calidad. 

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Restoring tropical forests on lands mined for bauxite: Examples from the Brazilian Amazon


Effective forest restoration is required to avoid the adverse environmental impacts of mining. However, restorationists working in most tropical regions lack the requisite knowledge of species selection and disturbance ecology to aid in mimicking the pre-disturbed ecosystem.  One noteworthy exception to this is the forest restoration initiative created by a Brazilian bauxite mining company operating at Trombetas in Pará State, central Amazonia, since the early 1980s.

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Maximizing biodiversity conservation and carbon stocking inrestored tropical forests


Ecological restoration plays a critical role in fragmented mega-diverse regions, particularly for endangered species with low dispersal rates. Species with impoverished populations, limited dispersal capacity, and important functionsas food resources for animals should be prioritized for active reintroduction in order to increase the conservation value ofrestored forests. However, seedlings from these species are often hard to find or too costly to include in many restoration projects.

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Direct seeded and colonizing species guarantee successful early restoration of South Amazon forests


South Amazon forests have been highly deforested, including the legally protected riparian forests. Direct seeding is a low cost method, easy-to-implement at large scale. The authors emphasize the imperative to reduce the costs and enhance the outcomes of restoration efforts, which have become mainstream solutions in countering biodiversity loss and climate change around the world.

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Tree Communities in Three-Year-Old Post-Mining Sites Under Different Forest Restoration Techniques in the Brazilian Amazon


Mining has been identified as a major contributor to forest loss, leading to the need for effective restoration techniques in post-mining sites. In this context, the knowledge of floristic composition is crucial for managing natural regeneration, selecting species for restoration plantings, and aiding conservation programs of threatened plant species. One well-known example of mining impacts on the Amazon rainforest vegetation is located in the Paragominas municipality, Pará, Brazil.

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