Cultural Assessment of Reforestation Practices in Rural Eastern Paraguay

Cultural Assessment of Reforestation Practices in Rural Eastern Paraguay


This master's thesis examines reforestation projects in eastern Paraguay with the aim of improving the methods of agroforestry extensionists. It describes the geography and historical background of Paraguay, including information on economic and environmental problems. It then provides a detailed site description of the study community and reforestation programs in rural Paraguay generally.

Conclusions & Takeaways

The author provides a comparison of tree nurseries, natural regeneration, and case studies on the experience of farmers with agroforestry systems. The thesis concludes with recommendations for future Peace Corps agroforestry extensionist trainings, as well as guidance for utilizing specific tree species for natural regeneration.


Rahn, K.E. 2001. Cultural Assessment of Reforestation Practices in Rural Eastern Paraguay. MS Thesis, Michigan Technical University, Houghton, Michigan.


  • School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technical University, Houghton, Michigan