Himachal Pradesh Reforestation Project

Himachal Pradesh Reforestation Project


After a series of consultations with a variety of stakeholders, the MidHimalayan Watershed Development Project was established in order to reforest critical areas in the Siwalik hills. 

Goals & Approach

The main objectives of the project are to improve the productivity potention of degraded land, enhance biomass production, increase carbon stocks, and improve rural livelihoods and incomes. This will be achieved through three distinct forestry models, including a restoration forestry model that will plant 1,100 trees per hectares, a community-based model in which the degraded community land would be planted with native species in order to protect watersheds, collect fodder, and harvest NTFPs and a Farm Forestry that focuses on fruit and fodder trees. 

Reported Takeaways

The project is expected to sequester 828,016 tCO2-e of tCERs over the first crediting period of 20 years while also contributing to a wide-range of sustainable development areas. 



UNFCCC. (2011). "Himachal Pradesh Reforestation Project – Improving Livelihoods and Watersheds" Accessed: June 2020


  • Mid-Himalayan Watershed Development Project