Restoration of plant species and genetic diversity depends on landscape‐scale dispersal

Restoration of plant species and genetic diversity depends on landscape‐scale dispersal


The article cites the importance of restoration efforts that leads to resilient, self-sustaining ecosystems in order to combat immense global change. Though biological and species diversity are key to this venture, they are rarely considered a factor. Thus, this review article highlights the connection between seed dispersal and species richness and diversity to landscape restoration. 

Conclusion & Takeaways

The authors of this article conclude by making recommendations to both planners and practitioners involved in restoration to encourage the valuation of high species and genetic diversity in the restoration process. 


Aavik T, Helm A. Restoration of plant species and genetic diversity depends on landscape-scale dispersal. Restoration Ecology. 2017;26:S92–S102. doi:10.1111/rec.12634.


  • Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia