East Asia and Pacific
China's sloping land conversion program: Institutional innovation or business as usual?BackgroundChina’s Sloping Land Conversion Program (SLCP) is the largest land retirement program in the developing world, having the goal of converting 14.67 million hectares of cropland to forests by 2010, primarily targeting high-slope and marginal lands. The program is being implemented in more than 2000 counties across 25 provinces in China and affects tens of millions of rural households using PES models to promote afforestation. Open access copy available |
Forest Rehabilitation and its Implication for Forest Transition TheorybackgroundThis article reviews the history of forest rehabilitation in Vietnam, Philippines, China, Peru, Indonesia, and Brazil. Available with subscription or purchase |
Local Impacts and Responses to Regional Forest Conservation and Rehabilitation Programs in China's Northwest Yunnan provincebackgroundThis article reviews large-scale government reforestation activities in Yunnan Province, China. Agricultural development in the past half century in the Salween and Mekong watersheds in northwest Yunnan has resulted in severe erosion. The government has recently banned logging and instituted large-scale reforestation programs at the same time. These reforestation projects use Pyrus pyrifolia, Pinus yunnanensis and Pinus armandii. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effect of Site Preparation and Initial Fertilization on the Establishment and Growth of Four Plantation Tree Species used in Reforestation of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Dominated GrasslandsbackgroundThis study describes site preparation techniques for the regeneration of four native tree species in Imperata cylindrica- dominated areas of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Goals & MethodsTwo trials were run. The first one examined the effects of strip plowing and complete plowing on the performance of Acaca mangium. The second trial compared the effects of complete plowing, herbicide treatment and fertilization (NPK) on four tree species commonly use in Imperata grassland reforestation. Available with subscription or purchase |
Taungya in the PhilippinesbackgroundThis book chapter provides a description of the ecological effects of deforestation in the Philippines and a history of the failed social forestry programs that began in the 1970s. Open access copy available |
Direct Seeding of Forest Trees in Grassland Communities of Carranglan, Luzon IslandbackgroundThis study concerns the survival of 12 native pioneer species and one exotic species when directly sown into grasslands (Themeda triandra and Imperata cylindrica grasses). They were monitored for 16 weeks . The Authors note that direct seeding studies are important because direct seeding is cheaper and faster than nursery propagation. Available with subscription or purchase |
One Century of Forest Rehabilitation in the Philippines: Approaches, Outcomes, and LessonsbackgroundThis chapter provides a review of reforestation efforts in the Philippines, beginning with small-scale forest rehabilitation efforts since 1910. Reforestation was traditionally implemented by government and private companies. Since the mid-1970s, international funders have driven these efforts. Open access copy available |
Effect of Vegetation Restoration on Soil and Water Erosion and Nutrient Losses of a Severely Eroded Clayey Plinthudult in Southeastern ChinaBackgroundIn this study, researchers compare erosion from reforested and degraded sites in subtropical southeastern China. Goals & MethodsThe objective of the study was to estimate the long-term influences of reforestation on soil and water erosion and nutrient losses in regions of southeast China that are characterized by severely eroded bare land derived from Quaternary red clay. The study examined surface runoff, soil erosion, and soil nutrient content. Available with subscription or purchase |
Reforestation in the Philippines, Proceedings from the Fourth Pacific Science Congress, Java
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Annual report of the director of forestry of the Philippine Islands for the period 1907-1913backgroundThis report contains a number of sections relevant to early reforestation activities in the Philippines, including research on succession pathways, restoration experiments on degraded lands, tree nursery operations, and native species. conclusion & takeawaysThis report provides the rare opportunity to look at the history of forestry and ecological activities in the tropics. These activities and projects can now be analyzed in the full context of the past 100 years, wherein the arcs of their success, failure, and learnings can be more fully understood.
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