East Asia and Pacific
Rehabilitation of Degraded Forests in Thailand: Policy and PracticebackgroundThis article provides an overview of efforts to rehabilitate degraded lands in Thailand. The authors synthesize articles and government policies to understand different plans of action for the government. Based on their analyses, they outline the challenges facing forest rehabilitation efforts and specific areas that need improvement. Open access copy available |
Lessons Learnt from WWF’s Worldwide Field Initiatives Aiming at Restoring Forest LandscapesbackgroundThis document provides a series of case studies about forest landscape restoration projects from across the WWF network. The authors provide overall lessons as well as country-specific lessons. The authors summarize lessons learned across programs for the different stages of restoration programs. Open access copy available |
Trade-offs between tree cover, carbon storage and floristic biodiversity in reforesting landscapesBackgroundThe multiple benefits of reforestation projects for carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and other ecosystem services are taken as a given. Yet not all forests are equal. Plantation-type reforestation projects typically undertaken for carbon sequestration are known for low species richness and inadequate provision of other ecosystem services. This study explores the relationships between an increase in tree cover area and changes in forest carbon storage and the potential of a landscape to provide habitat for native floristic biodiversity. Available with subscription or purchase |
Are Mangroves Worth Replanting? The Direct Economic Benefits of a Community-Based Reforestation ProjectbackgroundThis study examines the socioeconomic impacts of a community-led reforestation project in the Philippines through a survey of the local fishers over 10 years after replanting. The wider objective of the study was to obtain greater data on the local economic value of mangroves and present it as a comparison to other land uses such as development and aquaculture. Open access copy available |
Forest Transition Pathways in Asia – Studies from Nepal, India, Thailand, and CambodiabackgroundThis study draws on data from Nepal, India, Thailand, and Cambodia to examine trajectories of forest-cover change along gradients of deforestation and reforestation. Open access copy available |
Profiles of Carbon Stocks in Forest, Reforestation and Agricultural Land, Northern ThailandbackgroundThis study assesses carbon stocks in various forms and land-use types in the Nam Yao sub-watershed, Thailand, to estimate the impact of land use on carbon stocks. Research Goals & MethodsThe carbon stocks of aboveground, soil organic, and fine root within primary forest, reforestation and agricultural land were estimated through field data collection. Available with subscription or purchase |
Towards an Ecology-Based Strategy for the Reforestation of Imperata cylindrica Grasslands in East KalimantanbackgroundThis chapter assesses an ecology-based strategy to accelerate the reforestation of grassland towards a dipterocarp-dominated plantation with natural regeneration occuring. Open access copy available |
Financial, Economic and Environmental Profitability of Reforestation of Imperata Grasslands in IndonesiabackgroundThis study assesses the profitability of roundwood production in forest plantations established on Imperata grasslands in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Research Goals & MethodsThis study uses the discounted cash flow method on the Riam Kiwa reforestation trial area. It also explores the importance of fiscal incentives to financial profitability of roundwood production in forest plantations established on Imperata grasslands. Available with subscription or purchase |
Can Legality Verification Rescue Global Forest Governance? Analyzing the Potential of Public and Private Policy Intersection to Ameliorate Forest Challenges in Southeast AsiabackgroundThis review paper looks at the emergence of legality verification of forest timber products and its usefulness in addressing forest degradation. Legality verification, in the context of timber imports as discussed in this paper, is the process of supply chain tracking to ensure that all timber is legally harvested. Available with subscription or purchase |
Appropriate Measures for Conservation of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks: Analysis of Trends of Forest Management in Southeast AsiabackgroundThe ASEAN countries of Southeast Asia have seen rapid deforestation and subsequent carbon losses in the past few decades, as lands are cleared for other land uses. This study analyzes the implications of different land management scenarios on carbon stocks. Open access copy available |