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The ecology and management of the Miombo woodlands for sustainable livelihoods in southern Africa: the case for non-timber forest products


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Potential impacts of COVID-19 on tropical forest recovery


Ecosystem Restoration is one of the goals of several organizations including the UN.  COVID-19 pandemic has brought uncertainties in achieving these goals as focus has shifted to the health sector and rebuilding the economy. Two, UN critical meetings have been delayed; platforms for governments to publicly participate in tracking restoration progress and making new commitments. Other environmental changes have also been noted including wildlife’s response to the sudden absence of humans and improved air quality in many major cities. 

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Árboles Nativos para Predios Ganaderos



Como parte del Proyecto Ganadería Colombiana Sostenible, cerca de 1.5 millones de árboles nativos de alto valor ecológico fueron entregados a ganaderos de cinco regiones colombianas para integrar en sus fincas y sistemas pastoriles. Quince de esas especies de árbol nativo fueron seleccionadas para discutir en detalle en este libro, permitiendo así la divulgación del conocimiento sobre la importancia de los árboles nativos en la ganadería sostenible.

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Manejo integrado de insectos herbívoros en sistemas ganaderos sostenibles



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Improving land and water management


This working paper from World Resources Institute (WRI) gives a glimpse of the challenges experienced by smallholder farmers across developing countries. Issues on land – from insecure tenure to degradation, exacerbated by pressures from climate change, has resulted into a significant drop in crop yield. This led to more poverty and food insecurity. However, linkages between scientists and farmers provide some hope in terms of possible solutions to increase agricultural production. Improved land and water management is at the center of all this.

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Towards food security and improved nutrition: increasing the contribution of forests and trees


This Policy brief is a product of a knowledge and information sharing between Biodiversity International, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), and the World Bank. This was designed for policymakers on two vital areas: what they need to know; and what they need to do.

It also provides different case studies on various interventions towards ensuring food security and access to improved nutrition.

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Maximizing Seed Resources for Restoration in an Uncertain Future


Forest loss is being experienced in many parts of the globe. Seed based plant restoration is now the goal of many land management agencies. There is a growing demand for seed to meet these restoration projects. The effects of climate change on seed availability, viability and the success of these restoration projects is still unknown.

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The use of Ecosystem-based Adaptation practices by smallholder farmers in Central America


Amidst the impacts of climate change in agricultural sector, there is an increasing number of smallholder farmers across the different landscapes of Central America engaged in sustainable, Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) practices

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The rapid decline in global biodiversity is being attributed to the erosion of traditional beliefs globally. In the Gokwe area of Zimbabwe, the Shangwe people are known for their wise use of IKS in the preservation of their environment. They are also known for their cultural beliefs and taboos which can be recognized in songs and dance as they give veneration to their Nevana rain spirit.

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Forest and wildlife resource-conservation efforts based on indigenous knowledge: The case of Nharira community in Chikomba district, Zimbabwe


Indigenous Knowledge (IK) plays a significant role in the sustainable management of forest and wildlife resources. In Zimbabwe, most forests and woodlands within communal areas are being successfully managed under the authorities of traditional leaders who base their conservation strategies on their local knowledge as compared with conventional methods such as fencing which bring conflict with the local people.

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