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Towards food security and improved nutrition: increasing the contribution of forests and trees


This Policy brief is a product of a knowledge and information sharing between Biodiversity International, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), and the World Bank. This was designed for policymakers on two vital areas: what they need to know; and what they need to do.

It also provides different case studies on various interventions towards ensuring food security and access to improved nutrition.

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Maximizing Seed Resources for Restoration in an Uncertain Future


Forest loss is being experienced in many parts of the globe. Seed based plant restoration is now the goal of many land management agencies. There is a growing demand for seed to meet these restoration projects. The effects of climate change on seed availability, viability and the success of these restoration projects is still unknown.

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The use of Ecosystem-based Adaptation practices by smallholder farmers in Central America


Amidst the impacts of climate change in agricultural sector, there is an increasing number of smallholder farmers across the different landscapes of Central America engaged in sustainable, Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) practices

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The rapid decline in global biodiversity is being attributed to the erosion of traditional beliefs globally. In the Gokwe area of Zimbabwe, the Shangwe people are known for their wise use of IKS in the preservation of their environment. They are also known for their cultural beliefs and taboos which can be recognized in songs and dance as they give veneration to their Nevana rain spirit.

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Forest and wildlife resource-conservation efforts based on indigenous knowledge: The case of Nharira community in Chikomba district, Zimbabwe


Indigenous Knowledge (IK) plays a significant role in the sustainable management of forest and wildlife resources. In Zimbabwe, most forests and woodlands within communal areas are being successfully managed under the authorities of traditional leaders who base their conservation strategies on their local knowledge as compared with conventional methods such as fencing which bring conflict with the local people.

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Fairly efficient, efficiently fair: Lessons from designing and testing payment schemes for ecosystem services in Asia


Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) is defined as a market-based approach yet the authors argue that it cannot be generalized or implements and often suffers due to the commoditization of these services.

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Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) in Latin America: Analysing the performance of 40 case studies


Payment of Ecosystem Services (PES), which encourages landowners improve land management through market incentives, has been implemented around the world since the 1990s. This high investment requires an analysis of PES schemes and their outcomes.

Goals & Methods

The goal of the paper is to inform policy and provide decisions makers with insights on PES in order to aid in future design and ensure the success of initiatives. To do this, the authors review 40 cases of PES throughout Latin America based on a consistent set of criteria.

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Adopt a carbon tax to protect tropical forests


The authors states that the halting of deforestation is critical to addressing climate change and biodiversity loss, the investment in conservation is lacking. Thus, they call upon countries through out the tropics to adopt a carbon tax, which would serve as a disincentive for companies to continue deforestation.

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Money for Nothing? A Call for Empirical Evaluation of Biodiversity Conservation Investments


The authors assert that while the ecological aspects of conservation efforts are highly investigated and supported by empirical evidence, the policy aspects are not. In response, they argue that conservation policy measures must adopt program evaluation methods that would allow one to determine if intervention would be viable. 

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A Guide to Selecting Ecosystem Service Models for Decision-Making: Lessons from Sub-Saharan Africa


Ecosystem services provide critical resources that support human well-being; therefore, managing for them is vital. This report suggests that modeling may be an effective means of informing management when data is lacking, a problem that many developing countries experience.  

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