Tropical Wet Forest
Agroforestry systems recover tree carbon stock faster than natural succession in Eastern Amazon, BrazilBackground:Under the global context of climate change mitigation and adaptation, forests and land use practices in carbon sequestration and ecosystem resilience in the Amazon regions is of critical importance. Understanding the effectiveness of agroforestry systems in recovering tree carbon stock contributes to the broader discourse on sustainable land management, biodiversity conservation, and climate change mitigation strategies. Therefore, this study aims to address the gaps in knowledge regarding the carbon recovery potential of agroforestry systems and their role in sustainable land use in the Amazon region. Available with subscription or purchase |
Carbon loss and removal due to forest disturbance and regeneration in the AmazonBackground:Deforestation and forest degradation urges scientists to understand the dynamics of carbon loss and removal in the Amazon, particularly due to significant role of the Amazon rainforest in the global carbon cycle and the potential implications for climate change. By addressing this topic, the study aims to enhance our understanding of the Amazon's role in the global carbon cycle, provide insights into the spatial and temporal patterns of carbon loss and removal, and contribute valuable information for informing climate change mitigation strategies and tropical forest conservation efforts. Available with subscription or purchase |
Discolouring the Amazon Rainforest: how deforestation is affecting butterfly colorationBackgroundButterflies are among the most colorful organisms in the world, and color plays a central role in many of their life-history strategies. However, sudden environmental changes, including anthropogenic disturbances such as habitat loss and fragmentation, could affect the efficacy of coloration strategies in these and other animals. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how deforestation is affecting butterfly coloration in the Amazon Rainforest and to provide insights into the potential consequences of anthropogenic disturbances on these beautiful creatures. Available with subscription or purchase |
Do primary rainforest tree species recruit into passively and actively restored tropical rainforest?BackgroundIn many restoration projects, recruitment is dominated by a low diversity of regionally-abundant pioneer species and species with small, easily dispersed seeds. These species are characteristic of secondary rainforest and do not include the far more diverse suite of species characteristic of the original, primary rainforest. As restoring ecosystem processes is one of the central goals of restoration, this raises the question of which, if any, of the available rainforest restoration methods may be used to promote the recruitment of primary rainforest species. Available with subscription or purchase |
The effect of ecological restoration methods on carbon stocks in the Brazilian Atlantic ForestBackgroundThere is a critical need for effective ecological restoration strategies in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, one of the most threatened biodiversity hotspots globally, with extensive areas degraded due to human activities such as deforestation and land use change. Especifically, to understanding how different restoration methods impact carbon sequestration in this ecosystem and promote the recovery of this vital ecosystem. Available with subscription or purchase |
Direct seeded and colonizing species guarantee successful early restoration of South Amazon forestsBackgroundSouth Amazon forests have been highly deforested, including the legally protected riparian forests. Direct seeding is a low cost method, easy-to-implement at large scale. The authors emphasize the imperative to reduce the costs and enhance the outcomes of restoration efforts, which have become mainstream solutions in countering biodiversity loss and climate change around the world. Available with subscription or purchase |
An overview of forest loss and restoration in the Brazilian AmazonBackground:The accelerated process of forest loss and degradation in the Brazilian Amazon began in the 1970s due to government-promoted economic development initiatives. This led to significant deforestation, with approximately 20% (780,967 km2) of the region being affected . Nevertheless, the region still lacks scientific studies that reinforce the choice of best practices for forest restoration, and the information currently available is not enough to quantify what has already been recovered or the potential area to be restored. Available with subscription or purchase |
Evaluating the success of direct seeding for tropical forest restoration over ten yearsBackgroundThe main causes of deforestation in the Amazon are large-scale agriculture and cattle ranching, which have led to the loss of millions of hectares of forest. To address this issue, different mechanisms have been implemented since 2005 to reduce deforestation and increase forest restoration. However, highly modified, degraded areas with a long history of use may take a long time to regenerate naturally or may not recover into a secondary forest. Therefore, active restoration methods are needed to accomplish this massive obligation. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restauración ecológica de bosques tropicales en Costa Rica: efecto de varios modelos en la producción, acumulación y descomposición de hojarascaBackground:La deforestación altera los ciclos de nutrientes y aumenta la fuga de nutrientes del ecosistema con altos costos ambientales y sociales. No obstante, la deforestación sigue siendo intensa en la mayoría de los países tropicales, especialmente en América Latina, donde los bosques son talados y rápidamente convertidos para la agricultura. Así, las estrategias de restauración en los trópicos son indispensables considerando la gran escala de degradación y la necesidad de mantener procesos ecológicos vitales. Available with subscription or purchase |
El aumento de la deforestación en la cuenca del río Madre de Dios, Amazonía peruana, incrementaría la escorrentía superficial y la concentración de sedimentoBackgroundEn la Amazonía sudeste del Perú, se encuentra la cuenca del río Madre de Dios, uno de los focos de biodiversidad mundial. Sin embargo, la alta tasa de deforestación en la cuenca del río Madre de Dios genera una gran preocupación pues la cobertura vegetal es de vital importancia en la conservación de los ríos y suelos. En ausencia de la cobertura vegetal, la precipitación impacta directamente en el suelo y la cantidad de agua que no puede ser infiltrada discurre a través de arroyos definidos por la topografía de la cuenca. Open access copy available |