In Equal Measure: A User Guide to Gender Analysis in Agroforestry

In Equal Measure: A User Guide to Gender Analysis in Agroforestry


This guide provides tools for  practioners working with rural communities in tropical countries. It describes how gender roles and responsibiities play a significant role in adoption and development of agroforestry systems.

Conclusions & Takeaways

The authors provide practical approaches for understanding gender roles in farming, preference of tree and shrubs, production and marketing of tree products, access to information and resources, and gendered lenses of land use. Gender is often overlooked in assessment and management approaches by extenionists and NGOs, and this guide provides practical activities for participatory research and nuanced decision-making processes.



Catacutan D, McGaw E and Llanza MA, (eds). 2014. In Equal Measure: A User Guide to Gender Analysis in Agroforestry. Los Baños, Philippines. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)Southeast Asia Regional Program. 101 p.


  • World Agroforestry Centre, Philippines