Forest Landscape Restoration: Initiatives in Ethiopia
Ethiopia has experienced significant forest loss and degradation, which has raised concern over the deterioration of ecosystem services and access to forest resources. In response to these trends, WWF and IUCN have pioneered the Forest for Life strategy, which employs a range of initiatives to combat forest degradation. This report focuses on one of those initiative, Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in Ethiopia.
Goals & Methods
In order to contribute to the dialogue and knowledge regarding FLR in East Africa, WWF and IUCN conducted a FLR study, the goal of which was to promote a practice that effectively integrate ecological integrity and human well-being. The study had multiple stages, including an inception workshop, a national study and national synthesis of forest conservation and regeneration policies, and an up-dating workshop.
Conclusions & Takeaways
The processes and outcomes of each stage are presented in the paper. The report found that past reforestation efforts in Ethiopia have been weak and largey inconsistent with the FLR approach. Based on this evaluation, the authors provide five general recommendations for the future of the country's forests, includings change in perception, strategies, policies, institutions, and effort towards system understanding and reforestation efforts.
Bekele-Tesemma, Azene, and A. Ababa. (2002) "Forest landscape restoration: Initiatives in Ethiopia." IUCN-EARO and WWF-EAROPO.
- WWF - Eastern Africa Conservation Program
- IUCN - Regional Office of Europe