What Drives the Success of Reforestation Projects in Tropical Developing Countries? The Case of the Philippines

What Drives the Success of Reforestation Projects in Tropical Developing Countries? The Case of the Philippines


This study evaluates the drivers and indicators related to reforestation success in the Philippines. The study included surveying 43 reforestation projects on Leyte.

Research Goals & Methods

The authors capture success drivers in three general categories: socio-economic, institutional / policy / management and reforestation characteristics.

Conclusions & Takeaways

Key problems and observations are discussed and recommendations for improved reforestation planning and management are offered. The authors provide a conceptual site model that they used to assess reforestation success. The article concludes stating that ‘a wide range of biophysical, socio-economic, institutional and management factors influence reforestation success and these factors form a complex system of relationships’. In addition that the social and economic components of reforestation must be considered simultaneously.






Le HDinh, Smith C, Herbohn J. What drives the success of reforestation projects in tropical developing countries? The case of the Philippines. Global Environmental Change. 2014;24:334–348. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2013.09.010.


  • School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
  • Economics and Business Management Faculty, Vietnam Forestry University, Xuan Mai, Chuong My, Hanoi, Viet Nam