Community Based Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation (CBEMR) in IndonesiaBackgroundWhile large-scale wetland/mangrove restoration projects have been successful worldwide efforts in Indonesia have largely failed. This is due to technical issues but also tenure issues. Considering pass projects and attempts, Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation (EMR) has been identified as a potential best practice for Indonesia. Open access copy available |
Mangrove reforestation in Vietnam: the effect of sediment physicochemical properties on nutrient cyclingBackgroundMangrove forests depend on unique physicochemical properties found in tidal coastal sites. One of the main reasons why mangrove reforestation fails is due to changes in the sediment properties that occurred under deforestation conditions. The iron sulphides common in mangrove sediments are oxidated to sulphuric acid, drastically lowering the sediment pH. Other changes also take place as nutrients leach. This study assesses the effects of pH and redox potential on phosphorus and nitrogen cycling in reforested mangrove stands in southern Vietnam. Open access copy available |
Human Ecological Questions for Tropical Restoration: Experiences from Planting Native Upland Trees and Mangroves in the PhilippinesBackgroundThis article evaluates the human ecology of reforestation in the Philippines under the Bais Bay Development Action Program. Reforestation is considered in upland riparian as well as coastal mangrove areas. Open access copy available |
Restoring Forest Landscapes in the Face of Climate ChangebackgroundThis book chapter focuses on how forest restoration can serve as an adaptive management strategy to climate change, especially given the positive impacts restoration can have for people and biodiversity. Open access copy available |
Perceptions of Biodiversity, Environmental Services, and Conservation of Planted Mangroves: A Case Study on Nijhum Dwip Island, BangladeshbackgroundOpen access copy available |
Semillas que germinan: experiencias comunitarias en la costa (Seeds that germinate: community experiences in the coast)Open access copy available |