Tropical Wet Forest
Genetic Consequences of Tropical Second-Growth Forest RegenerationBackgroundThis article is an examination of the genetic impacts of old-growth deforestation among 24 year-old second-growth Iriartea deltoidea, a canopy palm, in a lowland Costa Rican forest. Iriartea is widely distributed throughout neotropical rainforests and displays a diverse range of size classes in mature forests. This species recolonizes second-growth forests with newly generated seeds, which are dispersed by birds and mammals. Open access copy available |
Screening Trial of 14 Tropical Hardwoods with an Emphasis on Species Native to Costa Rica: Fourth Year ResultsBackgroundA lack of silvicultural information on native timber species in the tropics has contributed to the propogation of fast-growing exotic tree species in reforestation efforts. The plantations evaluated at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica were considered marginal lands with low input of forest maintenance, reflecting the conditions of many lands that farmers would use for reforestation. Available with subscription or purchase |
Carbon Sequestration Potential of Indian ForestsbackgroundWhile deforestation in the tropics is a common subject of concern, India has retained a net positive afforestation rate from 1951-2000, with greatest gains after 1980. These efforts have afforested 35 MHa. Open access copy available |
Les sociétés rurales et les pratiques d’utilisation multiple des terres (Rural societies and land-use practices)This chapter focuses on rural poverty in central Africa and the contribution of multiple land use practices to local development. The authors discuss the paradox of belonging to an area that is on the one hand extremely rich in natural resources, and on the other hand extremely poor in national and local development. They stress the importance of maintaining globally important natural resources that will be able to respond to the needs of future generations of central Africans.
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Cartographier le carbone stocké dans la végétation: perspectives pour la spatialisation d’un service écosystémique (Mapping carbon stocks in vegetation)The authors discuss a project to map ecosystem functioning in the Brazilian Amazon. They point out the limitations of ecosystem-service mapping and the importance of methodological decisionmaking while mapping functional processes.
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Rwanda Environmental Threats and Opportunities Assessment (ETOA)BACKGROUNDThis report provides a background on the state of the environment in Rwanda. The authorrs write this report to fulfil a legal requirement of the US, Foreign Assistance Act (FAA), which requires that a Tropical Forests and Biodiversity Analysis be conducted in conjunction with the development of new foreign assistance strategies and programs. The report is also intended to identify opportunities to better integrate USAID's portfolio across development sectors by suggesting linkages with economic growth, agriculture, democracy and governance, health, and education activities. Open access copy available |
Les Forêts du Bassin du Congo: Etat des Forêts 2006 (Forests of the Congo Basin: State of the Forests 2006)The authors compiled an comprehensive report on the state of the forests in twelve forested landscapes of the Congo Basin region of Africa. They include a wide range of topics including conservation, human inhabitants of the forests, exploitation of forest resources, other threats to the forest, and priorities for restoration.
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Assessment of Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Phnom Tbeng Forest Based on Socio-Economic SurveysbackgroundSince the 1960s, Cambodia has lost over 20% of forest cover, with a decline from 13.2 million hectares to 10.4 million as a result of civil war, population growth, and migration patterns. This study seeks to understand the drivers of deforestation in Cambodia through the eyes of rural village residents in five different villages. Open access copy available |
Large-Scale Impoverishment of Amazonian Forests by Logging and FireBackgroundAmazonia typically uses deforestation rates to predict the effects on the carbon cycle and to measure the loss of forest in Brazil. The authors claim that these connections are limited. Research Goals & MethodsTo widen the scope, the authors aim to include other factors to be used in deforestation mapping. The two primary ones the article focuses on are wood mills and forest burning. Available with subscription or purchase |
Ecological Study of Kirisia Forest ReserveBackgroundIn order to inform a 2009 Conservation Enterprise Development Program, a preliminary ecological survey was carried out at the Kirisia Forest Reserve in Samburu District, Kenya. The survey was in response to an aerial survey conducted by the Wilderness Foundation UK that examined potential drivers of forest destruction. Open access copy available |