Tropical Wet Forest
On the Need of Legal Frameworks for Assessing Restoration Projects Success: New Perspectives from Sao Paulo State (Brazil)BackgroundThis article describes a legal framework that Sao Paulo state of Brazil enacted to promote ecosystem restoration projects on private lands through it's “New Forest Code” in 2012. Available with subscription or purchase |
Collaborative Efforts On Mangrove Restoration In Sedari Village, Karawang District, West Java ProvincebackgroundMany communities are undertaking mangrove restoration projects to try to return some of the ecosystem services provided by mangrove forests, with mixed success. Open access copy available |
Actitudes de los productores ganaderos de El Petén, Guatemala, respecto a la implementación de sistemas silvopastoriles (Cattle farmers’ attitudes toward the implementation of silvopastoral systems in El Petén, Guatemala)EspañolantecedentesHay evidencia que sugiere que los sistemas silvopastoriles son ecológicamente sustentables, económicamente rentables y contribuyen a la mitigación de riesgos a nivel finca. No obstante, productores ganaderos en Centroamérica han tardado en adoptar e implementar estos sistemas. Este estudio presenta la interrogativa y explora las razones por las cuales ganaderos no han adoptado sistemas silvopastoriles de manera más amplia. Open access copy available |
Participatory Monitoring in Tropical Forest Management: A Review of Tools, Concepts and Lessons LearnedbackgroundThis report reviews the impacts, challenges, and shortcomings of well-documented cases of successful as well as unsuccessful participatory monitoring programs in tropical forests across the globe. Open access copy available |
Explorer la banque de graines du sol pour mieuxcomprendre la dynamique de régénération des forêtstropicales africaines (synthèse bibliographique)The authors provide a review of the current knowledge of soil seed banks in African tropical forests. They argue that increased knowledge of soil seed banks will lead to better understanding of forest regeneration and therefore more successful reforestation efforts. Finally, the authors call for better characterization of seed banks based on forest community, as this could aid reforestation and sustainable forest management efforts in African tropical forests.
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Live Fences and Landscape Connectivity in a Neotropical Agricultural LandscapeBackgroundThis article describes the role and importance of live fences in the tropical regions of Central America. The study site covered an area of 4483ha and is located in a wet tropical forest zone in the Province of Heredia, Costa Rica. The landscape is dominated by cattle pasture and possesses a small, fragmented and homogenous structure with small patches of forests. Open access copy available |
Designing Pest-Suppressive Multistrata Perennial Crop Systems: Shade-Grown Coffee in Central AmericabackgroundThis paper analyzes opportunities to realize the benefits of the presence microflora and fauna in coffee plantations by considering species selection, complimentary characteristics, density, and spatial arrangement of tree species . This study addresses reducing the presence of pests and pathogens such as leaf rust, coffee leaf minor, berry borer, and the American leaf spot. The authors hypothesize that for every soil and climate for coffee, a multistrata system creates a micro-environment that can create a complex ecosystem to resist pests as a whole as opposed to a pest-by-pest strategy. Open access copy available |
Can Pinus Plantations Facilitate Reintroduction of Endangered Cloud Forest Species?backgroundThis study tested the hypothesis that pine plantations can simulate the conditions of early forest succession, acting as a habitat for other native or endangered species to establish. In the cloud forest region of central Mexico, some tree species have become endangered due to land use change for both livestock production and tree plantations. Open access copy available |
The Role of Trees in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture in the TropicsBAckgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Indigenous Fruit Trees of Madagascar: Potential Components of Agroforestry Systems to Improve Human Nutrition and Restore Biological DiversitybackgroundThis study focuses on three sites in the humid forest of Eastern Madagascar, namely Masoala, Andasibe and Ranomafana. Research Goals & MethodsA total of 150 wild fruit tree species from 82 genera and 42 families were identified through interviews with the local populations, from which a further 26 indigenous and exotic fruit species were shortlisted based on taste, nutritional value, income generation potential, diversification from currently planted species and biodiversity protection. Open access copy available |