Sustainable Harvest International Reforestation: Annual Report FY2008

Sustainable Harvest International Reforestation: Annual Report FY2008


The mission of Sustainable Harvest International's reforestation work is to empower local farmers by giving them the knowledge and equipment to improve degraded lands, rebuild diversity in the forest ecosystems, and benefit from the planting of trees.

Goals & Approach

The organization's work addresses agroforestry, environmental protection, food security, livelihood, and learning capacity through an extensive hands-on program to develop the knowledge and capacity to improve income while improving ecosystems. The program first began in Honduras in 1997 and has since expanded to Belize, Nicaragua, and Panama

Reported Takeaways

Since 1997, over 2.8 million trees have been planted, thereby encouraging the transition of farming families to move away from migratory agriculture to a more sustainable and permanent agriculture.



Sustainable Harvest International. (2008). "Planting hope, restoring forests, nourishing communities" Accessed: June 2020.


  • Sustainable Harvest International and the sub-project Fundacion Cosecha Sostenible de Honduras (FUCOHSO)