
Vulnerability of smallholder farmers to climate change in Central America and Mexico: current knowledge and research gaps


This article recognizes that smallholder farmers are both critical to the global agricultural sector yet are one of the most vulnerable populations to climate change. Specifically, farmers in Central America and Mexico are experiences particularly high threats, thus the authors focus on this subgroup.

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A Multicountry Assessment of Tropical Resource Monitoring by Local Communities


The study compared data collected on status and trends collected independently by local community members and trained scientists for 63 taxa and five types of resource use in 34 tropical forest sites over 2.5 years so examine the assumption that local people are less objective than external scientists when monitoring natural resources.

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Arboles Utiles de la Region Tropical de America del Norte (Useful Trees of the Tropical Region of North America)



This article describes 20 species of tropical trees that grow natively or have been introduced to tropical North America.

research goals & methods

This publication aims to provide essential information on silvis and silviculture of select forest tree species for their adequate establishment, culture and management.

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Comportamiento de las especies y preferencias de los productores. Plantaciones forestales en Costa Rica y Nicaragua (Species behavior and farmers' preferences. Forest plantations in Costa Rica and Nicaragua)



Los autores estudiaron plantaciones comerciales en 112 fincas de productores forestales, en el Cantón de Sarapiquí, Costa Rica y el Departamento de Carazo, Nicaragua.

objetivos y metodología

El trabajo realiza un inventario de las plantaciones forestales en todas las fincas estudiadas. Las variables evaluadas incluyen: supervivencia, dap, altura total, forma y sanidad de los árboles.

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Paying for the Environmental Services of Silvopastoral Practices in Nicaragua


The Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Ecosystem Management Project uses funds from the Global Environmental Facility(GEF) in piloting the use of payment for ecosystem services to encourage adoption of silvopastoral practices in Nicaragua, Colombia, and Costa Rica. This paper presents the results of the project implemented in Nicaragua.

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Drug Policy as Conservation Policy: Narco-Deforestation


Central America exploded into prominence as a drug trafficking corridor in the last decade. The authors document that an unprecedented flow of cocaine into Central America “coincided with a period of extensive forest loss”. The authors discuss the evidence that supports the idea that "trafficking of drugs (principally cocaine) has become a crucial—and overlooked—accelerant of forest loss” in Central America.

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Paying for Biodiversity Conservation Services in Agricultural Landscapes


This document describes the genesis for the World Bank GEF project from 2002-2007 to implement payments for ecosystem services for silvo-pastoral systems in Colombia, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. The payments were designed to compensate for biodiversity services: international donor money would be exchanged for the international environmental service of biodiversity.

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Seed germination and seedling establishment of Neotropical dry forest species in response to temperature and light conditions


Site conditions in restoration projects vary widely, with proper conditions for germination not always available for a given species. This study examines the germination requirements of Cedrela odorata, Guaiacum sanctum and Calycophyllum candidissimum seeds under varying light conditions beneath the canopy of a dry forest in Nicaragua.

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Determinación del potencial germinativo de tres especies maderables nativas de un bosque húmedo tropical en Nicaragua (Determination of the germination potential of timber species native to Nicaragua)



Existe una falta de información sobre alternativas para el cultivo de especies maderables nativas en zonas de amortiguamiento.

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Hacia una silvicultura sostenible en el trópico seco: el caso de la Finca Piedra Rala, Nicaragua (Towards sustainable silviculture in dry tropical forests: the case of Finca Piedra Rala, Nicaragua)

El autor explica la experiencia de los productores en el manejo racional de pequeñas áreas de bosque tropical seco y analiza como la silvicultura racional tiene una capacidad de regeneración de los bosques naturales poco productivos en la zona del Pacífico de Nicaragua. En la finca estudiada, el bosque es sometido a un sistema de aprovechamiento tradicional, desarrollado como una iniciativa del propietario.

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