
Vulnerability of smallholder farmers to climate change in Central America and Mexico: current knowledge and research gaps


This article recognizes that smallholder farmers are both critical to the global agricultural sector yet are one of the most vulnerable populations to climate change. Specifically, farmers in Central America and Mexico are experiences particularly high threats, thus the authors focus on this subgroup.

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Mangrove recruitment after forest disturbance is facilitated by herbaceous species in the Caribbean


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Business models for sustainable investments in the context of tropical forest restoration


This paper outlines the context and approaches of effective business models for sustainable investments in Tropical Forests. Triple bottom line business opportunities are defined and identified through a review of literature and analysis of three case studies (InIkea, FCFR Project, and Sustain Project). The conceptual frameworks surrounding sustainable business models are examined. Challenges and opportunities into the future are also explored.

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The Mountain Pine Ridge Reforestation Project


By 2000, the pine trees in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Preserve in Belize were heavily attacked by the Southern Pine Bark Beetle (Dendroctomus frontalis). The beetle did so much damage that the natural restoration of the pine forest was practically unattainable due to a lack of seed resources and continuing fires. The alternative is to abandon management and allow a pine savannah to develop. This paper compares the carbon sequestion potentional for a pine forest and a pine savannah in this region. 

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Modification of Tropical Forest Patches for Wildlife Protection and Community Conservation in Belize


This chapter highlights the forest management practices that are practiced in a fragmented tropical forest in Belize.  The project began in 1985 and includes 8 villages home to approximately 450 people. The forested area is fragmented but howler monkeys are not hunted and have coexisted at the site with humans for many years. The project area includes 45 km² , but approximately half is cleared, and remaining forest is centered in the riparian areas.

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Seedling survivorship, growth, and response to disturbance in Belizean mangal


Species zonation patterns across tidal gradients in mangrove forests are formed by successful seedling establishment and maintained by replacement of adults by conspecific seedlings. These two processes have rarely been examined experimentally in neotropical mangrove. This study examines survivorship and growth of seedlings of Rhizopora mangle and Avicennia germinans across a tidal gradient in Belize.

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Sustainable Harvest International Reforestation: Annual Report FY2008


The mission of Sustainable Harvest International's reforestation work is to empower local farmers by giving them the knowledge and equipment to improve degraded lands, rebuild diversity in the forest ecosystems, and benefit from the planting of trees.

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