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The Enhanced Forest Inventory and Analysis Program—National Sampling Design and Estimation Procedures


This report explains the changes in approach used in the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program of the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. The FIA Program was designed to standardize national practices among regional FIA programs.

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Intensive Silvopastoral Systems: Improving Sustainability and Efficiency in Cattle Ranching Landscapes


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In Equal Measure: A User Guide to Gender Analysis in Agroforestry


This guide provides tools for  practioners working with rural communities in tropical countries. It describes how gender roles and responsibiities play a significant role in adoption and development of agroforestry systems.

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Régénération naturelle assistée: Gestion des arbres champêtres au Sahel (Assisted natural regeneration: management of wild trees in the Sahel)

The authors outline threats to forest regeneration in the Sahel, particularly with regard to agroforestry systems. Better agroforestry practices that incorporate assisted natural regeneration would allow for more sustainable availability of firewood and productivity of agroforestry systems. The authors strongly advocate for major changes in behavior and politics, including decentralization of authority over forest resources.


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Reverdir le Sahel: Le succès de la régénération (Regreening the Sahel: Regeneration success)

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Mise à échelle du reverdissement: six étapes vers le succès--une approche pratique pour la restauration des forêts et des paysages (Scaling up Regreening: Six Steps to Success--A Practical Approach to Forest and Landscape Restoration)

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Etude de la régénération naturelle assistée dans la région de Zinder (Niger) (Study of assisted natural regeneration in the Zinder region of Niger)

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La pratique de la gestion durable des terres: Directives et bonnes pratiques en Afrique subsaharienne (The practice of sustainable land management: Guidance and best practices in sub-Saharan Africa)

The authors present the state of land management in sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on unsustainable exploitation of soils, vegetation, and water resources. The authors end by discussing the urgent need for a new system of governance and sustainable land management in sub-Saharan Africa.


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A Guide to the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM)


This guide presents an introduction to Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM), a tool for countries to evaluate areas for restauration of forest landscapes and identify priority areas. It provides steps for forest land restoration (FLR) preparation and planning, data collection, analysis of results, policy recommendations and implementation.

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Assessing Forest Degradation: Towards the Development of Globally Applicable Guidelines


This FAO report defines forest degradation and provides guidelines for assessing levels of degradation with the purpose of influencing policies and forest management plans towards restoration. The report provides directions on how to measure four markers: 1) growing stock and biomass, 2) biodiversity, 3) production of forest goods, and 4) soil erosion. 

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Prioritization of Target Areas for Forest Restoration


This is a report on target areas for forest restoration written by World Conservation Monitoring Centre and submitted to WWF International. The purpose of the report was to provide recommendations for prioritization to WWF International and WWF field programs.

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The Restoration Diagnostic: A Method for Developing Forest Landscape Restoration Strategies by Rapidly Assessing the Status of Key Success Factors


This report outlines the social, economic, and environmental benefits that forest restoration landscape restoration can have in countries with degraded or deforested landscapes.

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Fonds Environnementaux et Paiement Pour Les Services Ecosystemiques (Environmental Funds and Payments for Ecosystem Services)

The authors discuss environmental funds and the possibility of using payments for ecosystem services towards conservation efforts. They provided several case studies to demonstrate different systems of payments for ecosystem services and gave recommendations.


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Manuel de construction d’équations allométriques pour l’estimation du volume et la biomasse des arbres

The authors of this manual provide allometric equations and background information on how to estimate forest biomass at various scales.


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Crecimiento Comparativo de Especies Nativas y Teca plantadas en parcelas puras y mix



El interés por la reforestación como una alternativa a la deforestación se ha incrementado en los últimos años en Panamá. Sin embargo, en las iniciativas de reforestación las exigencias de las plantas no son usualmente consideradas y las mas utilizadas son especies introducidas.

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Árboles y arbustos nativos potencialmente valiosos para la restauración ecológica y la reforestación (Trees and shrubs potentially valuable for ecological restoration and reforestation)



El presente trabajo incluye información de especies leñosas con potencial para su uso en programas de desarrollo agroforestal, ecología de la restauración y reforestación.

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Strengthening the national restoration strategy


In response to the launch of the Bonn Challenge, El Salvador committed to restoring one million hectares. The country's Ministry of Natural Resources and IUCN applied Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology (ROAM) to El Salvador in order to determine and analyze restoration options based on biophysical, social and economic criteria. The paper summarizes the main results generated in the ROAM application. 

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Nature-Based Transformative Adaptation: a practical handbook


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INTEGRATING GREEN AND GRAY: Creating Next Generation Infrastructure


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Bosques tropicales y cambio climático: Un manual temático para líderes religiosos y comunidades de fe




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