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Using ecosystem valuation to protect the Atlantic Rainforest: the case of the Oasis ProjectBackgroundThe article explores the Oasis Project, which is a payment for ecosystem services program that aims to protect the Atlantic Forest in Brazil. The program was established in 1990 in response to the destruction of the forest. The Oasis Project aims to provide drinking water to approximately 17 million in the Sao Paulo metropolitan region by financially compensating landowners engaged in maintaining forest cover in their proprieties. Available with subscription or purchase |
Deep Soil Moisture Storage and Transpiration in Forests and Pastures of Seasonally-Dry AmazoniabackgroundThis study, conducted in the seasonal rainforest of Northern Brazil (Para), compares re-growth of pasture, mature forest, and natural forest (capoeira). Available with subscription or purchase |
Hydrological Functions of Tropical Forests: Not Seeing the Soil for the trees?backgroundThis literature review provides a summary of hydrological functions in tropical forests and includes differences in the hydrology of disturbed areas, secondary forests, and mature forests. Available with subscription or purchase |
Direct Seeding of Forest Trees in Grassland Communities of Carranglan, Luzon IslandbackgroundThis study concerns the survival of 12 native pioneer species and one exotic species when directly sown into grasslands (Themeda triandra and Imperata cylindrica grasses). They were monitored for 16 weeks . The Authors note that direct seeding studies are important because direct seeding is cheaper and faster than nursery propagation. Available with subscription or purchase |
Exploiting the Potential of Indigenous Agroforestry Trees: Parkia biglobosa and Vitellaria paradoxa in Sub-Saharan AfricabackgroundThis article reviews the agroforestry potential of two native African savanna trees, Parkia biglobosa (locust bean) and Vitellaria paradoxa (shea). Available with subscription or purchase |
Karité (Vitellaria paradoxa) and Néré (Parkia biglobosa) associated with Crops in South MalibackgroundThis study analyzes the growing conditions of agricultural crops (cotton, sorghum, and pearl millet) under the common African savanna agroforestry trees Parkia biglobosa (karité) and Vitellaria paradoxa (néré), the source of the cosmetic product shea butter. Available with subscription or purchase |
Uses, Management, and Economic Potential of Dacryodes edulis (Burseraceae) in the Humid Lowlands of CameroonbackgroundThis article discusses the economic potential of a African rainforest fruit tree, Dacryodes edulis. The fruit is locally consumed and traded, in addition to its household value for oil and medicinal bark. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effect of Reforestation using Tectona grandis on Infiltration and Soil Water RetentionBackgroundIn this study, researchers examine the effect of teak (Tectona grandis) reforestation on soil infiltration and water retention in Sri Lanka. They compare the reforested site (12 years after planting) with a corn field and an abandoned pasture dominated by Imperata cylindrica grass. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoring dense vegetation can slow mountain erosion to near natural benchmark levelsBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Effect of Vegetation Restoration on Soil and Water Erosion and Nutrient Losses of a Severely Eroded Clayey Plinthudult in Southeastern ChinaBackgroundIn this study, researchers compare erosion from reforested and degraded sites in subtropical southeastern China. Available with subscription or purchase |
Deforestation and Reforestation of Latin America and the Caribbean (2001–2010)backgroundThis study examines contrasting forest cover change dynamics in Latin America and the Caribbean using MODIS satellite imagery. Many studies have documented deforestation, while others report forest recovery. This study seeks to analyze these trends on a large scale and connect them to environmental and population variables. Available with subscription or purchase |
Local Impacts and Responses to Regional Forest Conservation and Rehabilitation Programs in China's Northwest Yunnan provincebackgroundThis article reviews large-scale government reforestation activities in Yunnan Province, China. Agricultural development in the past half century in the Salween and Mekong watersheds in northwest Yunnan has resulted in severe erosion. The government has recently banned logging and instituted large-scale reforestation programs at the same time. These reforestation projects use Pyrus pyrifolia, Pinus yunnanensis and Pinus armandii. Available with subscription or purchase |
Forest Rehabilitation and its Implication for Forest Transition TheorybackgroundThis article reviews the history of forest rehabilitation in Vietnam, Philippines, China, Peru, Indonesia, and Brazil. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effect of Site Preparation and Initial Fertilization on the Establishment and Growth of Four Plantation Tree Species used in Reforestation of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Dominated GrasslandsbackgroundThis study describes site preparation techniques for the regeneration of four native tree species in Imperata cylindrica- dominated areas of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effects of Afforestation on Water Yield: A Global Synthesis with Implications for PolicybackgroundThis study synthesizes data from global studies on reforested and afforested areas and compares these to grassland and shrubland areas. In particular, the authors measure response to water runoff. Available with subscription or purchase |
Mixed-Species Plantings in Regreening the Bare Hills: Tropical Reforestation in the Asia-Pacific RegionbackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Effect of Prior Land Use on the Recolonization of Native Woody Species under Plantation Forests in the Highlands of EthiopiabackgroundThis study analyzes the recolonization of native woody species in 16-18 year old plantation forests (Eucalyptus saligna and Cupressus lusitanica) in the highlands of Ethiopia. Available with subscription or purchase |
Management of sedimentation in tropical watershedsBackgroundThe sedimentation of reservoirs is a serious problem throughout the tropics, yet most attempts to control sedimentation in large river basins have not been very successful. Reliable information on erosion rates and sources of sediments has been lacking. This paper discusses some of the limitations in estimating erosion and sedimentation and encourages development of specific sediment budgets in order to extrapolate equations and generate management procedures. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Role of Revegetation for Rehabilitation of Sodic soils in Semiarid Subtropical Forest, IndiabackgroundThis study relies on a case study evaluate the rehabilitation of barren land within a larger forest ecosystem. The article indicates that restoration opportunities exist even with severely degraded land where natural succession does not occur without management practices. Available with subscription or purchase |
Modified Taungya System in Ghana: A Win–Win Practice for Forestry and Adaptation to Climate Change?backgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |