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Paying for the Environmental Services of Silvopastoral Practices in NicaraguaBackgroundThe Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Ecosystem Management Project uses funds from the Global Environmental Facility(GEF) in piloting the use of payment for ecosystem services to encourage adoption of silvopastoral practices in Nicaragua, Colombia, and Costa Rica. This paper presents the results of the project implemented in Nicaragua. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoring forest landscapes for biodiversity conservation and rural livelihoods: a spatial optimisation modelBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Development of the Soil Macrofauna Community under Silvopastoral and Agrosilvicultural Systems in AmazoniaBackgroundThis study seeks to analyze the effect that different agroforestry systems have on the recolonization of macrofauna in the soil of former pasture lands. Available with subscription or purchase |
Biomass production of trees and grasses in a silvopasture system on marginal lands of Doon Valley of north-west IndiabackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
The Role of Trees in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture in the TropicsBAckgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
On the Need of Legal Frameworks for Assessing Restoration Projects Success: New Perspectives from Sao Paulo State (Brazil)BackgroundThis article describes a legal framework that Sao Paulo state of Brazil enacted to promote ecosystem restoration projects on private lands through it's “New Forest Code” in 2012. Available with subscription or purchase |
Trends in forest condition, threats and conservation action as derived from participatory monitoring in coastal KenyaBackgroundThe coastal forests of Kenya are conservation priorities hosting high levels of biodiversity. Monitoring of biodiversity in these forests is therefore necessary to understand and reverse negative trends in good time. Available with subscription or purchase |
Ouragans et diversite biologique dans les forets tropicales. L’exemple de la Guadeloupe (Hurricanes and diversity in tropical forests: the example of Guadeloupe).The authors examined the relationship between hurricane disturbances and biodiversity and found that diversity of forests increased their resistance to hurricane disturbances. They concluded that recurrence of strong hurricanes could lead to extirpation of rare or vulnerable non-pioneer species.
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Preliminary assessment of post-Haiyan mangrove damage andshort-term recovery in Eastern Samar, central PhilippinesBackgroundIn this study, authors examined the natural ability of mangrove trees to recover after major storms and supertyphoons in the Philippines. Coastal mangroves are important for reducing the damage from these storms. Available with subscription or purchase |
Les légumineuses arborescentes dans les systèmes de production des zones sèches de Côte d'Ivoire (Arborescent leguminous plants in the production systems of dry zonesin Côte d’Ivoire)The authors saught to identify woody legumes adapted to dry conditions of Côte d’Ivoire and to determine their success in reforestation. They describe 18 species of woody plants that were successful seven years after planting while also noting several species that responded well to coppicing under tropical dry conditions. Available with subscription or purchase |
Les acacias: des plantes fixatrices d’azote prometteuses pour le développement durable des zones arides et semi-arides (Acacia: Promising Nitrogen fixing trees for sustainable development in arid and semi-arid areas)The authors discuss the use of Acacia species for production purposes in arid and semi-arid zones.
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Understanding the Interaction of Rural People with Ecosystems: A Case Study in a Tropical Dry Forest of MexicoBackgroundThis paper reports on the effort to understand the relationship between the rural communities and the often-studied tropical dry forest. While many papers from scientists have focused on the biology and ecology of the Chamela-Cuixmala region, relatively few have considered human element to their work. Available with subscription or purchase |
Investir dans la forêt de demain : vers un Programme d'action pour la revitalisation de la foresterie en afrique de l'Ouest (Investing in the forests of tomorrow)The authors provide an analysis of Sahelian forests and place the state of forests in West Africa into a historical context. They provide case studies of agroforestry and assisted natural regeneration (ANR) in forested areas of Togo, Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger, Senegal, Gambia, and Guinea. Finally, the authors provide recommendations for smart investments in West African forests.
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Pattern and Process in Neotropical Secondary Rain Forests: The First 100 Years of SuccessionBackgroundAccording the author, there has been an increasing rate of deforested areas that are being left to natural regenerate into a secondary succession forest. There is great interest in whether these forest will offer similar characteristics to primary forests, information and data is currently restricted to the first few years to a potentially decade long process. The author spends the paper reviewing recent advances in neotropical secondary succession. Available with subscription or purchase |
Paying for RestorationBackgroundThe authors examine the payments for ecosystem services and review strategies for funding ecological restoration. They do so by conducting a literature review that is focused on two main questions: "how should ecological and economic considerations be balanced in determining expenditures on restoration projects? how is society going to pay for the substantial costs involved?" Available with subscription or purchase |
The World Bank Forest Strategy: Striking the Right BalancebackgroundIn response to the changing dynamics of the forest sector and global economy, the World Bank launched a Forest Policy Implementation Review and Strategy process. Through this process the Operations and Evaluation Department (OED) was asked to conduct an independent evaluation of the Bank's 1991 Forest Strategy, which is reviewed in this report. Available with subscription or purchase |
Dipterocarp Forest Ecosystems: Towards Sustainable ManagementBackgroundThis book describes the difficult problem of sustainably managing the valuable resources of Dipterocarp forests in Southeast Asia. It highlights the social, economic, and forest management challenges associated with Dipterocarp governance and attempts to reconcile the often disparate roles of forest scientists and local community managers. Available with subscription or purchase |
Large-Scale Impoverishment of Amazonian Forests by Logging and FireBackgroundAmazonia typically uses deforestation rates to predict the effects on the carbon cycle and to measure the loss of forest in Brazil. The authors claim that these connections are limited. Available with subscription or purchase |
Misreading the African Landscape: Society and Ecology in a Forest-Savanna Mosaic
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Les Forêts du Bassin du Congo: Etat des Forêts 2006 (Forests of the Congo Basin: State of the Forests 2006)The authors compiled an comprehensive report on the state of the forests in twelve forested landscapes of the Congo Basin region of Africa. They include a wide range of topics including conservation, human inhabitants of the forests, exploitation of forest resources, other threats to the forest, and priorities for restoration.
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