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Scaling Up Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration in Africa to Restore Degraded LandscapesBackgroundProtecting and managing natural regeneration of woody species on‐farm can help create new agroforestry parklands as well as promote natural regeneration off‐farm. Increasing the number of trees on farms as well as off‐farm is important in the context of accelerated climate change and ambitious pledges to restore degraded forestland. This study examines large-scale agroforestry parklands in three African countries. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Potential of REDD+ in Supporting the Transition to a Green Economy in the Congo BasinBackgroundThe authors investigate the use of REDD+ as a means of transitioning to a green economy, using the countries of the Congo Basin region as case studies. To do so, the authors complete a review and analysis of national REDD+ strategies and REDD+ readiness proposals submitted to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. Available with subscription or purchase |
Contribution of Non-Timber Forest Products to Cash and Non-Cash Income of Remote Forest Communities in Central AfricaBackgroundThe authors investigate the contribution of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) to local community incomes within jointly-managed forest landscapes in Central Africa. Available with subscription or purchase |
Contribution des écosystèmes continentaux à la séquestration du carbone (Contribution of continental ecosystems to carbon sequestration)This article focuses on the contribution of forest ecosystems on biomass and soil carbon stocks. The authors address variability, difficulties with measurement, and anthropogenic land use influences on carbon stocks.
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Spatial and temporal deforestation dynamics in protected and unprotected dry forests: a case study from Myanmar (Burma)backgroundThis study looks at deforestation impacts and drivers in a tropical dry forest ecosystem of Myanmar (Burma). The study focuses on the Chatthin Wildlife Sanctuary (CWS), one of the largest protected areas of dry forest in Southeast Asia, and the surrounding areas that serve as habitat for the endangered Eld’s deer. Available with subscription or purchase |
Carbon stocks in biomass and soils of woody species fodder banks in the dry tropics of MexicobackgroundFodder banks are a common feature of tropical silvopasture. This study evaluates the C concentration and storage in above- and belowground tree biomass and soils of fodder banks of Leucaena leucocephala, Guazuma ulmifolia, and a combination of the both species. Available with subscription or purchase |
Carbon Sequestration in Pastures, Silvo-Pastoral Systems and Forests in Four Regions of the Latin American Tropicsbackground77% of agricultural land in the tropical Americas is used for pasture (including silvo-pasture and Argo-silvo-pasture), making carbon stocks in this land type an important consideration. This paper presents three-year research results on the evaluation of soil carbon stocks (SCS) in long-established pasture and silvo-pastoral systems (10-16 years under commercial production), native forests and degraded land in four regions of tropical Americas. Available with subscription or purchase |
A tree-based approach to biomass estimation from remote sensing data in a tropical agricultural landscapebackgroundDue to increased global dominance of agricultural lands in the tropics, methods to establish biomass and carbon in agricultural areas are necessary for monitoring and modeling global C stocks. Since tropical agriculture often includes some tree cover, the study seeks to develop above ground biomass estimates using landscape-scale surveys with LiDAR in comparison to plot-level data. Available with subscription or purchase |
Reforesting “Bare Hills” in Vietnam: Social and Environmental Consequences of the 5 Million Hectare Reforestation ProgramBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Screening Trial of 14 Tropical Hardwoods with an Emphasis on Species Native to Costa Rica: Fourth Year ResultsBackgroundA lack of silvicultural information on native timber species in the tropics has contributed to the propogation of fast-growing exotic tree species in reforestation efforts. The plantations evaluated at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica were considered marginal lands with low input of forest maintenance, reflecting the conditions of many lands that farmers would use for reforestation. Available with subscription or purchase |
Secondary Forest Regeneration under Fast-Growing Forest Plantations on Degraded Imperata cylindrica GrasslandsBackgroundThis study compares the regeneration of native tree species under the canopy of tree plantations, riverine areas, and uncultivated grassland areas in the Riam Kiwa plantation area of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. This area has a distinct dry season and deeply weathered, acidic soils, and is considered good for forest plantations. Available with subscription or purchase |
Accelerating tropical forest restoration through the selective removal of pioneer speciesbackgroundThis study presents initial findings on the impact of thinning on recovery of a selectively logged secondary forest in Sumatra. The study tests the hypothesis that thinning of pioneer species will produce stands with greater proportional basal area of late-successional species, effectively accelerating succession of the stand. Available with subscription or purchase |
Arboles Utiles de la Region Tropical de America del Norte (Useful Trees of the Tropical Region of North America)EnglishbackgroundThis article describes 20 species of tropical trees that grow natively or have been introduced to tropical North America. Available with subscription or purchase |
Toward a post‐conflict Colombia: restoring to the futureBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Forest Landscape Restoration: Progress in the Last Decade and Remaining ChallengesBackgroundDefined in 2000, forest landscape restoration (FLR) has recently been actively promoted as a means to provide both ecolocial and societal benefits. This article aims to reflect on the evolution of FLR since 2000, using a framework of 13 key issues put forth in 2005. It identifies both progress and challenges and provides suggestions for steps forward. Available with subscription or purchase |
Conserving Biodiversity in a Complex Biological and Social Setting: The Case of ColombiaBackgroundColombia is known for its immense biological diversity and complexity. This article examines three of the primary causes of these characteristics, including history, geogrpahy, and evolution along with the context of the country's conservation efforts. The auhors then identified threats based on trends that emerged from these themes. Available with subscription or purchase |
Native trees and shrubs for the productive rehabilitation of tropical cattle ranching landsBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Socioecological transition in the Cauca river valley, Colombia (1943–2010): towards an energy–landscape integrated analysisBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Greening peace in ColombiaBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Creating space for large‐scale restoration in tropical agricultural landscapesBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |