Restoring Forests For Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services

Restoring Forests For Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services


This publication summarizes the proceedings of a 2011 conference held in Bogor, Indonesia titled "Restoring Forests For Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services". The aim of the conference was to provide a space in which forest restoration approaches used in Indonesia and elsewhere in Southeast Asia were shared and discussed. The report includes summaries of the opening and closing remarks along with the conference's seven presentations. 

Conclusions & Takeaways

Attended by people from a range of sectors and backgrounds, this conference touched on a wide array of restoration techniques for various ecosystems, including assisted natural regeneration, rehabilitating mine sites, community-based approaches, mangrove restoration, and landscape restoration. The general themes of the conference were: funding, coordination between different stakeholders, choosing an restoration strategy, capacity building, and incrasing local participation. 


ELTI, IPB, TBI Indonesia (2011) "Restoring Forests For Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services" Accessed: August 2020


  • The Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative (ELTI)
  • Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
  • Tropenbos International Indonesia Programme (TBI Indonesia)