Mine Site Rehabilitation

Medición y evaluación de parcelas de restauración

Dentro del marco del programa de reforestación y restauración, se llevan a cabo actividades de evaluación de la mortalidad y mediciones periódicas de las plantas en campo. Estas actividades brindan importante informacion acerca del desempeño de las especies, como por ejemplo supervivencia o crecimiento primario y secundario. Información que es escencial para la restauración de áreas degradadas por la minería. Este documento busca describir en detalle los procedimientos recomendados para llevar a cabo evaluaciones de la mortalidad y desarrollo anual de parcelas de restauración


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Restauracion de areas degradas por mineria: Instalación de parcelas

El presente informe detalla el proceso de instalación de parcelas destinadas a la reforestación, abarcando desde la fase inicial de planificación hasta la ejecución de la plantación en terreno, empleando una variedad de especies autóctonas. Estas parcelas representan un hito en Madre de Dios, al ser las primeras establecidas en zonas previamente degradadas por la actividad minera, con el propósito de investigación.


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Recuperación de la salud del suelo para la restauración de áreas degradadas por la minería aurífera aluvial en la Amazonía peruana

La extracción de oro en los ríos de la Amazonía peruana ha provocado la aparición de áreas degradadas caracterizadas por la deforestación, baja fertilidad, contaminacion con mercurio, escasa vida microbiana y ausencia de flora y fauna.  Este documento resume el proceso de recuperacion del suelo liderado por el IIAP, que busca restaurar la salud de los suelos utilizando leguminosas, promoviendo la reactivación ecosistémica y productiva de los bosques.

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Publicaciones del Centro de Innovación Científica Amazónica (Peru)

El Centro de Innovación Científica Amazónica (CINCIA) genera conocimiento científico e integra este conocimiento para elaborar iniciativas de gestión ambiental para promover el desarrollo sostenible y, cuando sea necesario, la restauración y la reforestación en la Amazonia peruana. 


The Center for Amazonian Scientific Innovation (CINCIA) generates scientific knowledge and integrates this knowledge to craft environmental management initiatives to promote sustainable development and, where needed, restoration and reforestation in the Peruvian Amazon. 

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Restoring tropical forests on lands mined for bauxite: Examples from the Brazilian Amazon


Effective forest restoration is required to avoid the adverse environmental impacts of mining. However, restorationists working in most tropical regions lack the requisite knowledge of species selection and disturbance ecology to aid in mimicking the pre-disturbed ecosystem.  One noteworthy exception to this is the forest restoration initiative created by a Brazilian bauxite mining company operating at Trombetas in Pará State, central Amazonia, since the early 1980s.

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Developing a framework for sustainable development indicators for the mining and minerals industry


Minerals are essential to a variety of industries that help in everyday life. However, the extraction of minerals is often associated with numerous negative environmental impacts. The mining industry is responsible for more pressing sustainability challenges than any other industry. The mining industry must address these challenges by addressing the concerns of different stakeholders, as demonstrated by the Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development project.

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Tree Communities in Three-Year-Old Post-Mining Sites Under Different Forest Restoration Techniques in the Brazilian Amazon


Mining has been identified as a major contributor to forest loss, leading to the need for effective restoration techniques in post-mining sites. In this context, the knowledge of floristic composition is crucial for managing natural regeneration, selecting species for restoration plantings, and aiding conservation programs of threatened plant species. One well-known example of mining impacts on the Amazon rainforest vegetation is located in the Paragominas municipality, Pará, Brazil.

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Mining in the Amazon: Importance, impacts, and challenges to restore degraded ecosystems. Are we on the right way?


With mining playing a significant role in the economies of Amazonian countries, there is a growing urgency to understand, mitigate, and restore the degraded ecosystems that result from these mining operations. These tasks present a complex set of challenges, including technological limitations, legal inconsistencies, and a shortage of qualified professionals.

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Metodología de reforestación y restauración de paisajes amazónicos degradados por minería: análisis de costos


La actividad minera aurifera artisanal conlleva la deforestación, degradación del suelo, pérdida de biodiversidad y contaminación por mercurio. A medida que esta actividad crece, surge la necesidad imperante de desarrollar metodologías que permitan la reforestación y restauración de las zonas degradadas en los países amazónicos.

Artisanal gold mining activity leads to deforestation, soil degradation, loss of biodiversity and mercury contamination. As this activity grows, there is an urgent need to develop methodologies that allow reforestation and restoration of degraded areas in Amazonian countries.

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Survival and Early Growth of 51 Tropical Tree Species in Areas Degraded by Artisanal Gold Mining in the Peruvian Amazon


Artisanal and small-scale gold mining has dramatically changed the landscape of tropical ecosystems, completely removing the soil and vegetation and polluting it with mercury disposals. In order to recover these degraded spaces, reforestation projects need to enhance their knowledge of restoration species growth and survival rates under different site conditions, as well as their fertilization needs.


The authors of this study aim to (1) test 51 species with potential for ecological restoration and/or forest rehabilitation; (2) assess the potential for biochar amendments for use in reforestation efforts; and (3) explore species performance regarding their contrasting wood density traits.

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