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Linking forest conservation and food security through agroecologyBackgroundThis chapter, found in Forest Landscape Restoration: Integrated Approaches to Support Effective Implementation, focuses on Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in the tropics. Specifically, the authors examine agroecology as an integrated approach for both gaining food security and restoring agro-forest landscapes in post-conflict Colombia. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Humid Tropics Cattle Ranching Complex: Cases from Panama ReviewedBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Use of native tree species by a Hispanic community in PanamaBackgroundForest provide countless resources yet many of them go unreported since they are used locally and never make it to national or international markets. This study examines the uses of wild plants by a small farming community in central Panama as a case-study for timber and non-timber forest products used by tropical, nonforest-dwelling, nonindigenous peoples. Available with subscription or purchase |
Initial performance and reforestation potential of 24 tropical tree species planted across a precipitation gradient in the Republic of PanamaBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
The tree planting and protecting culture of cattle ranchers and small-scale agriculturalists in rural Panama: Opportunities for reforestation and land restorationBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
A Strategy for Scaling-Up Intensive Silvopastoral Systems in ColombiaBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
In the pastures of Colombia, cows, crops and timber coexistBackgroundThis paper highlights the experience of cattle rancher in southwestern Colombia who has actively pursued an alternate style of ranching that, instead of deforesting the land, incorporates trees and shrubs into the pastures. The ranchers practice is largely informed by agroforestry principles. This paper reviews the benefits of this alternative practice and examines the public-private partnerships that make it possible. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Transformation of a Frontier: State and Regional Relationships in Panama, 1972- 1990BackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Evaluating the ecological performance of wetland restoration in the Yellow River Delta, ChinaBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Carbon sequestration and biodiversity of re-growing miombo woodlands in MozambiqueBackgroundThis study aims to determine how slash-and-burn agriculture impacts soil and vegetation carbon (C) stocks and biodiversity on an area of miombo woodland in Mozambique. The study hypothesized that C stocks in vegetation and soils of abandoned agricultural plots (machambas) would be lower than in woodland plots and that C stocks would accumulate more rapidly after abandonment in vegetation than in soils. Available with subscription or purchase |
Goal programming: Application in the management of the miombo woodland in MozambiqueBackgroundThe paper aims to show the potential for applying goal programming mathematical modeling techniques as a tool to help determine an optimal strategy for combining multi-stakeholder activities in a multi-objective planning framework for the management of miombo woodlands. Available with subscription or purchase |
Self-restoration of post-agrogenic soils of Calcisol–Solonetz complex: Soil development, carbon stock dynamics of carbon poolsBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
What drives the success of reforestation projects in tropical developing countries? The case of the PhilippinesBackgroundThis study reviewed cases and literatures to assess drivers that ultimately lead restoration projects to have successful outcomes. The main 4 categories of drivers are: technical/biophysical drivers, socio-economic drivers, institutional, policy and management drivers, and reforestation project characteristics. The major indicator of success are fall into two categories: environmental indicators and socio-economic indicators. Available with subscription or purchase |
Land use transitions: Socio-ecological feedback versus socio-economic changeBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Adaptive value of participatory biodiversity monitoring in community forestryBackgroundThis paper looks at using a conceptual framework (values, diversity, stakeholders) for forest monitoring, communication and conservation by villagers in Baglung District, Nepal. The goal was to assist local foresters in developing monitoring programs. Available with subscription or purchase |
Terrestrial Invertebrate Community Structure as an Indicator of the Success of a Tropical Rainforest Restoration ProjectBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Motivations for the Restoration of EcosystemsBackgroundThe underlying reasons to restore ecosystems are numerous yet they remain understated and unappreciated. Therefore, this article attempts to answer the question of why ecosystems are restored. The authors recognize and explore 5 rationales or motivations for restoration: technocratic, biotic, heuristic, idealistic and pragmatic Available with subscription or purchase |
Early effects of four fast-growing tree species and their planting density on ground vegetation in Imperata grasslandsBackgroundThe study aimed to test the early effects of four successful reforestation fast-growing exotics tree species and alternative planting densities on the development of ground vegetation. The study was conducted in Riam Kiwa, South Kalimantan, Indonesia in Imperate grasslands. The four fast-growing exotics tree species used in the study were Acacia mangium, Acacia crassicarpa, Gmelina arborea, and Paraserianthes falcataria. Available with subscription or purchase |
Vital Landscape Attributes: Missing Tools for Restoration EcologyBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
The Restoration of Forest Biodiversity and Ecological ValuesBackgroundThroughout Asia there has been significant push to restore degraded lands yet many of these initiatives lack clear objectives. This paper explores the failures that have emerged from this trend, paying close attention to restoration schemes that were politically driven and unsuccessful in yielding the economic and environmental benefits due to the lack of clarity in defining the precise restoration objectives. Available with subscription or purchase |