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Building Community Capacity in Fragile Environments: Case Study of the Mara Serengeti Ecosystem


People living in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) bear the brunt of climate change impacts. As traditional pastoralists, the main challenge for the people of the Mara Serengeti Ecosystem is to cope with an increasingly frequent and recurrent drought pushing them further to competition for resources and livestock loss from starvation. Thus, there is a need to create opportunities in building up community capacity and resilience in these fragile environments.

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Growth of native tree species planted in montane reforestation projects in the Colombian and Ecuadorian Andes differs among site and species


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Fires in exotic forest plantations of Zimbabwe: Causes and management strategies


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Management of non-timber forestry products extraction: Local institutions, ecological knowledge and market structure in South-Eastern Zimbabwe


Sengwe communal lands, in South East Zimbabwe were used to examine how they manage non timber forest products (NTFPs) as a common pool resource in that area. The area consists of five wards, of which four are communally owned. The government has a protected area engulfed by the local communal property system; both communal and state property regimes are involved in the management of certain resources.

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Co-management options for reserved forests in Zimbabwe and beyond: Policy implications of forest management strategies


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Traditional agroforestry practices in Zimbabwe


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Multiple successional pathways in human-modified tropical landscapes: new insights from forest succession, forest fragmentation and landscape ecology research


With the rise of deforestation, secondary forests and human-modified tropical landscapes (HMTL) have become an important source of ecosystem services yet there is limited knowledge concerning the successional process of these ecosystems. 

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Restoration of plant species and genetic diversity depends on landscape‐scale dispersal


The article cites the importance of restoration efforts that leads to resilient, self-sustaining ecosystems in order to combat immense global change. Though biological and species diversity are key to this venture, they are rarely considered a factor. Thus, this review article highlights the connection between seed dispersal and species richness and diversity to landscape restoration. 

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Environment and landscape rather than planting design are the drivers of success in long‐term restoration of riparian Atlantic forest


While identifying factors that contribute to restoration is difficult, it is ultimately critical in order to ensure the long-term sustainability and resilience of the restored landscape.

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A tree-based approach to biomass estimation from remote sensing data in a tropical agricultural landscape


Due to increasing agricultural landcover throughout the world, it is critical to develop methods that estimate above ground biomass and carbon in order to accurately monitor terrestrial carbon stocks and predicting carbo dynamics. This paper claims that while active remote sensing data may be a means to achieve these estimates, the plot-based methods may not be suitable for these agricultural areas. Thus, the authors seek an alternative. 

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Nursery and Establishment Techniques as Factors in Productivity of Man-made Forests in Southern Africa


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Can short-term payments for ecosystem services deliver long-term tree cover change?


While payment for ecosystem services (PES) has been lauded has been an effective strategy, particularly to increase tree cover in agricultural areas. Yet, there has been limited evaluation of long-term success, such as that after the payment period.

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Site Relationships for Some Wood Properties of Pine Species in Plantation Forests of Southern Africa


There are three main pine species that are planted in Southern African plantations. Genetic variation and its relationship with wood properties of pine wood has been extensively studied, however little is known about the influence of site on wood properties.

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Prioritizing Climate Change Adaptation Needs for Food Security in 2030


Adaptation has shown to be one of the solutions to coping with the severe effects of climate change. Investments are being made to improve agricultural production in food insecure regions, in the face of climate change. Adaptation mechanisms to be used include the use of more costly measures and identifying climate risk hotspots.

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Who determines biodiversity? An analysis of actors' power and interests in community forestry in Namibia


Community Forestry programs have been introduced in many parts of the world since the 1970's. These, aim to improve livelihoods and natural resources management in those regions. However, implementation of these programs has faced power devolution challenges due to the presence of powerful actors. This questions if the projects deliver what they promise.

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Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+): game changer or just another quick fix?


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The Evolution of International Policy on REDD+


The article traces the background and history of REDD+ starting from gaps identified in the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol (i.e. the lack of projects to reduce emissions due to deforestation in developing countries), to the early beginning of RED or reduced emissions from deforestation, and finally to its evolution as embedded in the Paris Agreement of 2015 as REDD+ (Article 5).

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Restoring forests as a means to many ends


The earth is nearly reaching environmental thresholds which can result in devastating effects of climate change and biodiversity loss. Failure to take action can lead to disruptions of ecosystems, economies, and the society. Protecting and restoring native ecosystems is needed, however, changes in forest cover have not been well understood. Also, the knowledge of where and how to focus such restoration efforts is still limited.

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Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest Landscapes


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Structural diversity and regeneration of the endangered Prunus africana (Rosaceae) in Zimbabwe


Prunus Africana is widely recognized for its medicinal purposes resulting in high unsustainable use and selling in the international market. Its bark contains many healing properties. Overexploitation has led to its listing in CITES list of endangered species. A remnant population is still available at the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe however, the area is prone to land use changes.

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