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Short term responses of soil microarthropod community to clear felling and alternative forest regeneration methods


Clear felling is being criticized to be contributing to a reduction in biodiversity and negatively impacting ecosystem functioning. This study uses soil microarthropods as good indicators of ecological effects of forest harvesting after clear felling. It is conducted in four sites in central Finland, on spruce stands when the soil is frozen to minimize damage on the forest floor. 

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Tree planting is not a simple solution


Tree planting has been identified as a panacea for environmental problems leading to the initiation of large- scale reforestation projects by governments and non- profit organizations. Many of the top- down reforestation projects have failed and have not been properly done, resulting in negative outcomes e.g., destruction of native grasslands in the savannas, increased social inequity among smallholders and dispossessing the local people.

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Could 2021–2030 be the decade to couple new human values with ecological restoration? Valuable insights and actions are emerging from the Colombian Amazon


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Showing and Telling: Australian Land Rights and Material Moralities


In Kowanyama, Queensland, Aboriginal groups have property rights to several thousand square miles which are opposed by groups such as local pastoralists and the National Parks service. This paper explores the processes through which one group, the Kunjen community, asserts its moral and political claims over the disputed area through stories and material artefacts.

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Grey areas in green grabbing: subtle and indirect interconnections between climate change politics and land grabs and their implications for research


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Forest plantations and climate change discourses: New powers of ‘green’ grabbing in Cambodia


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Carbon colonialism and the new land grab: Plantation forestry in Uganda and its livelihood impact


There has been a global increase in private sector investments towards activities plantations for clean fuel or climate change mitigation that are justified on the basis of their environmentally beneficial outcomes. This paper examines the discourses and mechanisms that enable the greater privatization of land and other resources using green development as a justification.

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Jatropha plantations for biodiesel in Tamil Nadu, India: Viability, livelihood trade-offs, and latent conflict


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Inverting the moral economy: the case of land acquisitions for forest plantations in Tanzania


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Oil palm expansion without enclosure: smallholders and environmental narratives


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Conservation, green/blue grabbing, and accumulation by dispossession in Tanzania


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Afforestation and reforestation programs in South and South East Asia under the Clean Development Mechanism: Trends and development opportunities


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Why do foresters plant trees? Testing theories of bureaucratic decision-making in central India


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Ecologies of the colonial present: Pathological forestry from the taux de boisement to civilized plantations


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The global status and trends of Payments for Ecosystem Services


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Adaptation of five co-occurring tree and shrub species to water stress and its implication in restoration of degraded lands


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Filling a void: Analysis of early tropical soil and vegetative recovery under leguminous, post-coal mine reforestation plantations in East Kalimantan, Indonesia


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Trade-offs at applying tree nucleation to restore degraded high Andean forests in Colombia


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Selecting tree species to restore forest under climate change conditions: Complementing species distribution models with field experimentation


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Controlling invasive plant species in ecological restoration: A global review


Invasive plant species are known to impede the growth and establishment of many native plant species while influencing other ecosystem features such as soil properties, fire regimes, hydrology, and human well-being. This article presents the findings of a literature review of 372 articles to better understand the impact of invasive species and control methods to highlight gaps in overall knowledge of the topic.

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