Latin America and Caribbean

Evaluation of a rural development project in Southwest Cochabamba, Bolivia, and its agroforestry activities involving Polylepis besseri and other native species – a decade of lessons learned


This report evaluates the results of the PROSANA project (GTZ/Department of Cochabamba) that ran for a 10-year period until the early 2000’s, and its attempts to combat food insecurity and promote conservation of relic forests and the restoration of agroecosystem function by planting mixed forests including Polylepis besseri. Well-adapted socio-ecological systems started to degrade in the region centuries ago with forced relocation of populations to higher, steep slopes and the introduction of European sheep and goats. Presently, firewood collection and grazing prevent the recovery of ecosystems.

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A Comparison of Governance Challenges in Forest Restoration in Paraguay’s Privately-Owned Forests and Madagascar’s Co-managed State Forests


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Watershed Management for Ecosystem Services in Human Dominated Landscapes of the Neotropics


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The Transformation of a Frontier: State and Regional Relationships in Panama, 1972- 1990


Following the trend of anthropologists that examine the settlement of frontier regions, this study describes the consequences of building the Bayano Hydroelectric Complex in eastern Panama. The authors stress that governments must not looked at as monolithic entities but instead should be examine as a set of social and political relationships among various stakeholders at local, national, and international scales. Along with documenting the social, political, and ecological effects that emerged from the dam, the study also describes the internal conflicts between agencies in the Panamanian government.

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Artisan Non-Timber Forest Products in Darien Province in Panama: The Importance of Context


Non-timber forest products (NTFP) have been used for centuries to obtain useful materials. There has been a recent shift in the study of NTFP use, expanding from focusing on a single species or a single community to consider more variables, such as spatial, temporal and socio-political variables of NTFP harvest, use and management. This study aims to continue this trend by examining the use of NTFP by artisans of Wounaan and Emberâ households in Panama.

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In the pastures of Colombia, cows, crops and timber coexist


This paper highlights the experience of cattle rancher in southwestern Colombia who has actively pursued an alternate style of ranching that, instead of deforesting the land, incorporates trees and shrubs into the pastures. The ranchers practice is largely informed by agroforestry principles. This paper reviews the benefits of this alternative practice and examines the public-private partnerships that make it possible. 

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A Strategy for Scaling-Up Intensive Silvopastoral Systems in Colombia


In Latin America cattle ranching is extensive and is often cultural, yet the dominant practice usually involves low denisty ranching in bare environments. These systems have emerged largely due to policies that politically and economicaly encourage the practice. Conducted in Colombia, this study explores the role of an alternative practice, intensive silvopastoral systems (ISPS) in landscape-scale restoration and addresses the barriers that would prevent a practice shift and the scaling-up of ISPS in Colombia. 

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The tree planting and protecting culture of cattle ranchers and small-scale agriculturalists in rural Panama: Opportunities for reforestation and land restoration


Deforestation rates are high in mesoamerican, particularly within dry forests, thus threatening the regions biodiversity and livelihoods of local peoples. To address these trends, there has been a push to support and promote farming strategies that are compatible with conservation goals, particularly those that pursue a range of activities. This study focuses in Panama where these strategies are expanding and examines the tree planting and land protecting activities of cattle ranchers and small-scale agriculturalists. 

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Initial performance and reforestation potential of 24 tropical tree species planted across a precipitation gradient in the Republic of Panama


Panama has experience significant forest loss due to the conversion of forest lands to agriculture and pasture, causing significant negative effects on ecosystems. Since natural regeneration is slow, the country has recently turned to plantation forestry in order to restore these degraded. Yet, many of these initiatives simply use a few exotic species. This study explores the performance of a range of species, including both native and exotic, in order to better ensure the success and adoption of diversified reforestation strategies.  

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Use of native tree species by a Hispanic community in Panama


Forest provide countless resources yet many of them go unreported since they are used locally and never make it to national or international markets. This study examines the uses of wild plants by a small farming community in central Panama as a case-study for timber and non-timber forest products used by tropical, nonforest-dwelling, nonindigenous peoples.

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