
Context in land matters: The effects of history on land formalizations


Land formalization is the process by which governments grant legal rights to land, along with responsibilities and conditions of access through land titles and other official documents. This process typically establishes or re-establishes the authority of the state over the governance of land. This paper draws on examples from Africa and Asia to illustrate how land formalization has differing impacts on a diverse set of claimants, and largely increases inequity.

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Social Capital in Biodiversity Conservation and Management


The article begins with a description of the opposing views of the roles of smallholders in conservation strategies.  On the one hand they directly use resources that external agencies attempt to protect, on the other hand these people have intimate knowledge of these systems.  Thus leading to the question, “Could local people play a greater role in biodiversity conservation and management?” (Pretty, 2004).

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The political economy of reforestation and forest restoration in Asia–Pacific: Critical issues for REDD+


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Land use transitions: Socio-ecological feedback versus socio-economic change


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Monitoring and Evaluating Forest Restoration Success


This chapter reviews the importance of monitoring and evaluation for restoration projects, in order to confirm the hypotheses that shape such projects, to fine-tune management actions, adapt restoration approach on a long-scale trajectory, and to prove results to stakeholders. The chapter presents three case studies of ecological restoration and monitoring throughout the world, including the Southwestern Alps, Vietnam, and the Mediterranean region, as three examples where monitoring and evaluation practices have been in place and are evolving over time.

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Reforesting “Bare Hills” in Vietnam: Social and Environmental Consequences of the 5 Million Hectare Reforestation Program


Large-scale rehabilitation and reforestation of Vietnam has been promoted by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, but unexpected outcomes have, in some cases, harmed local communities. Within this case study from northern Vietnam, lands classified as "barren hills" actually contained a number of economically-important nontimber products which local communities and individuals, particularly poor households and women, were reliant on. These nontimber products included fuelwood, medicines, construction material, food, and pasture. 

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Quelques réussites dans la réduction de la déforestation: Des pays tropicaux où les politiques de protection de la forêt et de reboisement ont fonctionné

This report highlights successes of developing countries and their strategies for reducing deforestation and as a result, their emissions of greenhouse gases. The authors note that decreases in deforestation are primarily a result of REDD+ programs, including payments for ecosystem services, better law enforcement, governance reforms, moratoria on deforestation practices, and incorporating the environment in development efforts. Other successes come from policy changes and programs that have had intended and unintended positive impacts on forests.


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Using Melaleuca Fences as Soft Coastal Engineering for Mangrove Restoration in Kien Giang, Vietnam


This study examines the installation of two fence designs made from Melaleuca poles along coastal fringe mangroves to attenuate wave action and promote accretion of sediments in Southwest coastal Vietnam.

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Lowering Emissions in Asia's Forests (LEAF)


The Lowering Emmissions in Asia's Forests (LEAF) program was USAID regiona initiative that ran for five years, from 2011 to 2016. This final report summarizes the challenges the LEAF program faced and the results it achieved.

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Community-based Mangrove Reforestation and Management in Da Loc, Vietnam


In 2005, the Da Loc commune in Vietnam was hit by Typhoon Damrey, causing major flooding and the destruction of agricultural lands. The dikes that upheld through the storm were surrounded by mangroves, thus a program was devised to increase adaptation and mitigation strategies to strong storms through mangrove reforestation.

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