Conservation, green/blue grabbing, and accumulation by dispossession in TanzaniaBackgroundA number of scholars point out that current processes surrounding the control of land and other resources lead to the loss of land for some alongside the accumulation of wealth by others. According to them, recent forms of neoliberal conservation enable capital accumulation by powerful groups through shifts in ownership and access over common land away from communities. The authors of this paper sought to compare wildlife and coastal conservation projects in Tanzania to understand the similarities and differences in the types of dispossessions and accumulation that occur in these two types of ecosystems through conservation programs. Available with subscription or purchase |
Inverting the moral economy: the case of land acquisitions for forest plantations in TanzaniaBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Context in land matters: The effects of history on land formalizationsBackgroundLand formalization is the process by which governments grant legal rights to land, along with responsibilities and conditions of access through land titles and other official documents. This process typically establishes or re-establishes the authority of the state over the governance of land. This paper draws on examples from Africa and Asia to illustrate how land formalization has differing impacts on a diverse set of claimants, and largely increases inequity. Open access copy available |
The ecology and management of the Miombo woodlands for sustainable livelihoods in southern Africa: the case for non-timber forest productsBACKGROUNDOpen access copy available |
Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest LandscapesBACKGROUNDForest loss and degradation negatively affect rural communities whose livelihoods are dependent on forests for ecological goods and services. To address the challenge, three solutions have been proposed, expanding networks of protected areas, improving agricultural productivity on abandoned lands and reforestation. Of the three, new approaches to restoration have shown to have the potential to address forest degradation and rural poverty. Available with subscription or purchase |
Nursery and Establishment Techniques as Factors in Productivity of Man-made Forests in Southern AfricaBACKGROUNDAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Contributions of agroforestry to ecosystem services in the miombo eco-region of eastern and southern AfricaBACKGROUNDOpen access copy available |
Building Community Capacity in Fragile Environments: Case Study of the Mara Serengeti EcosystemBACKGROUNDPeople living in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) bear the brunt of climate change impacts. As traditional pastoralists, the main challenge for the people of the Mara Serengeti Ecosystem is to cope with an increasingly frequent and recurrent drought pushing them further to competition for resources and livestock loss from starvation. Thus, there is a need to create opportunities in building up community capacity and resilience in these fragile environments. Available with subscription or purchase |
Targeted habitat restoration can reduce extinction rates in fragmented forestsBackgroundHabitat lost is one of the primary drivers of species extinction. This study examines two highly-fractured ecosystems, the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, and evaluates the rate at which habitat loss may lead to extinction and thus biodiversity loss. Specifically, the authors use halflife vs. area relationship to determine how long it will take to lose one-half of all tropical bird communities in each habitat. Open access copy available |
Contributions of agroforestry to ecosystem services in the miombo eco-region of eastern and southern AfricaBackgroundThe article discusses the functional benefits of agroforestry to the miombo region of eastern and southern Africa, which includes the following countries: Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania, and Mozambique. Open access copy available |